Note on Art-Only Submissions and the Bonus Round

May 15, 2011 17:36

Art-only projects

At this point the projects list below will be posted as art-only submissions to the challenge as no accompanying podfics have been received. If you believe this to be in error and you have submitted an accompanying podfic, please give me a shout. I've been receiving and sending out a lot of messages lately; it's possible your ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

froggyfun365 May 15 2011, 23:15:47 UTC
So are those just stories that no one claimed? If so I would be willing to look through them and pick up one as a pinch hit...


eosrose May 15 2011, 23:29:09 UTC
I'm not sure what you mean. The art-only projects are projects where the artists finished a cover, whereas the podficcer is still working on the podfic and did not make the deadline. The podfics will be coming along at some point (hopefully). No pinch-hits necessary. I do appreciate the offer!


reapertownusa May 16 2011, 11:17:02 UTC
Since it looks like none of my three covers are going to have accompanying stories, would it be alright if I sent you a new feedback link for my submissions?

Since they're art only I'd rather just put them all together in one post at my journal rather than having the three separate posts I submitted them with.


eosrose May 16 2011, 18:47:08 UTC
That would be fine. :)


reapertownusa May 16 2011, 22:01:36 UTC
Fantastic! That pleases my journal organization muse.

The new feedback URL for all three is:

Just let me know if you'd like me to re-submit the forms with the corrected info.



eosrose May 16 2011, 22:28:30 UTC
No, that shouldn't be necessary. Unless you're planning on changing more than your URL, we should be good. :)


yue_ix May 18 2011, 15:43:27 UTC
Oops. I'm terribly sorry for creating more work for you, but since posting the links to my cover art posts, my journal has changed names and the links are broken for now. Would it be possible to switch this post's "Leave a Comment for the cover designer" link towards here instead?

The same problem applies for my next project, "Little Wooden Boy and the Belly of Love" due tomorrow if I followed this schedule right, which will be out over here instead.

Thank you guys!


sophinisba May 20 2011, 11:48:30 UTC
Hi mods, I just got a comment from a listener who's having trouble downloading The Universal Language. Maybe you can investigate.


eosrose May 20 2011, 21:11:30 UTC
I got a PM as well. I'll investigate once I have more information (and once I'm home--I'm at the library right now, and I think testing downloads on a public computer would be sort of rude, yeah?). Unless the individual tells me which specific download is a problem, I can't check whether or not it's on my end or her end.


sophinisba May 20 2011, 21:49:18 UTC
They said in a comment to that post that they'd downloaded both the mp3 and m4b versions with music and had the files come up as invalid once they tried to open them, but I tested the same files and they worked fine for me, so I don't know.


eosrose May 21 2011, 02:39:09 UTC
They said they've tried other podfics too and everything came up invalid. My inclination is to believe it's not an issue on my end. No one else has complained about any issues.


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