Day 5 - Feedback

Nov 11, 2011 01:00

Only 3 days left! Sorry I'm behind on the round up posts! Today's theme is on Feedback

To post a work for pod_aware, please include the following in your notes or somewhere easily visible to help spread awareness about podfic:

Fan artists love feedback and podficcers are no different. Feedback can motivate us, inspire our muse and help us create more of out art. However feedback on podfic can be rather light. To find out how you can help increase feedback for podfic check out pod_aware on LJ or DW.

To make it easier for you, you can just copy and paste from here:
Fan artists love feedback and podficcers are no different. Feedback can motivate us, inspire our muse and help us create more of out art. However feedback on podfic can be rather light. To find out how you can help increase feedback for podfic check out on">LJ or">DW.

Today's podcast is brought to you by anatsuno, knight_tracer and paraka, with a very special thank you to cantarina for helping me get this edited!

Downloads: MP3 | M4B

I'm really sorry if you tried to access these files earlier and got redirected, the problem has been fixed now.

Here are some links for the podcast (helpfully compiled by anatsuno:

Feel free to talk about today's theme in the comments and if you post pod_aware stuff off the comm, make sure to drop us a link so we can add you to the round up post!

Round Up Here

modpost, day 5, feedback

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