Pod Aware Day 2 - Blanket Permission

Nov 07, 2011 18:31

Welcome to day two of pod_aware! If it's still Monday in your time zone, you can still make day 1 posts, we just want day 2 info to be there for the earlier time zones.

To post a work for pod_aware, please include the following in your notes or somewhere easily visible to help spread awareness about podfic:

Blanket permission is a way for fan artists to let other fans know their comfort with others playing with their works. It's particularly helpful to podficcers when authors give blanket permission for anyone to podfic their works without having to ask first. To find out more on blanket permission with regards to podfic check out pod_aware on LJ or DW.

To make it easier for you, you can just copy and past from here:
Blanket permission is a way for fan artists to let other fans know their comfort with others playing with their works. It's particularly helpful to podficcers when authors give blanket permission for anyone to podfic their works without having to ask first. To find out more on blanket permission with regards to podfic check out on http://pod-aware.livejournal.com/3536.html">LJ or http://pod-aware.dreamwidth.org/2858.html">DW.

To help get us in the mindset, here's a podcast done by jenepod, paraka and revolutionaryjo, where we talk about the benefits of blanket permission:

Download: MP3 or M4B

Feel free to talk about today's theme in the comments and if you post pod_aware stuff off the comm, make sure to drop us a link so we can add you to the masterlist!

blanket permission, day 2

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