Day 3: Podfic Community and Beyond

Nov 12, 2014 09:09

As the popularity of podfic grows, podficcers start spreading out and popping up all over the place. Where are those interested in podfic hanging out these days and how are they supporting each other

We're now halfway through pod_aware 2014!

To post a work for pod_aware, please include the following in your post, somewhere easily visible to help spread awareness about podfic:

As the popularity of podfic grows, podficcers start spreading out and popping up all over the place. Where are those interested in podfic hanging out these days and how are they supporting each other, check out pod_aware on DW, LJ or Tumblr to find out.

To make it easier for you, you can just copy and paste from here:
As the popularity of podfic grows, podficcers start spreading out and popping up all over the place. Where are those interested in podfic hanging out these days and how are they supporting each other, check out pod_aware on">DW,">LJ or">Tumblr to find out.

To get us started, here's a podcast from podklb and finnagain.

Downloads: MP3

Things mentioned or discussed in the podcast:
Podfic_Tips on LJ

Google search results for podfic tutorials

the podfic tag on tumblr

@podfic twitter account

pod_together on dreamwidth (also on LJ, tumblr, twitter)

pt_lightning on dreamwidth (also on LJ, tumblr, twitter)

remopodmo on dreamwidth (also on LJ)

WAGFAPE on AO3 (also on tumblr and twitter)

Informal Twitter Podfic Exchange twitter account

Podbang info on fanlore

Multipodicity on dreamwidth (also on LJ)

Amplificathon on dreamwidth (also on LJ)

twitter account for Audio Snippers Club IRC chat

Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology info on fanlore

Welovepodfic Feedback Challenge on dreamwidth (accidentally called "Weheartpodfic" on the podcast

Podfic_love Reccing Comm on dreamwidth (also on LJ, twitter, and tumblr)

Podficmeta on dreamwidth

Mel_fabu’s tumblr meta on transformativity and podklb’s response

Feel free to talk about today's theme in the comments and if you post pod_aware stuff off the comm, make sure to drop us a link so we can add you to the masterlist!

podfic community and beyond, modpost, day 3

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