Welcome to the last day of
To post a work for
pod_aware, please include the following in your post, somewhere easily visible to help spread awareness about podfic:
Fan artists love feedback and podfic creators are no different. Feedback can motivate us, inspire our muse and help us create more of our art. Feedback on podfic is often rather light so more is always welcomed. To find out how you can help increase feedback for podfic check out pod_aware on
LJ or
To make it easier for you, you can just copy and paste from here:
Fan artists love feedback and podfic creators are no different. Feedback can motivate us, inspire our muse and help us create more of our art. Feedback on podfic is often rather light so more is always welcomed. To find out how you can help increase feedback for podfic check out pod_aware on http://pod-aware.dreamwidth.org/13715.html">DW, http://pod-aware.livejournal.com/25247.html">LJ or http://pod-aware.tumblr.com/post/35984449220/day-7-feedback">Tumblr. To get us started, here's a podcast from
cantarina1 and
MP3 or
M4B Feel free to talk about today's theme in the comments and if you post
pod_aware stuff off the comm, make sure to drop us a link so we can add you to the masterlist!