Today's topic is about repoddimg, and why it can be okay to have multiple recordings of a fic out in the world.
To post a work for
pod_aware, please include the following in your notes or somewhere easily visible to help spread awareness about podfic:
Repodding is when a podfic is made of a fic that has already been podficced. Podfic is awesome, therefore two podfics is even more awesome, right? Every podficcer brings something different to the table and it's fun to see how different podficcers approach the same thing. To find out more about repodding, check out
pod_aware on
LJ or
To make it easier for you, you can just copy and paste from here:
Repodding is when a podfic is made of a fic that has already been podficced. Podfic is awesome, therefore two podfics is even more awesome, right? Every podficcer brings something different to the table and it's fun to see how different podficcers approach the same thing. To find out more about repodding, check out on">LJ or">DW.Today's podcast is brought to you by
knight_tracer and
bessyboo deserves so much credit, adoration and
paraka's undying gratitude for editing this podcast (whose raw files were over 6 hours long!).
MP3 |
M4B Feel free to talk about today's theme in the comments and if you post
pod_aware stuff off the comm, make sure to drop us a link so we can add you to the round up post!