TVD 4x9

Dec 13, 2012 22:58

Here’s what I love about this show: is that it can have a character kill a character I really like in order to terrorize a character that I love, and leave me more attached and sympathetic to the killer more than I was before. Klaus flat-out knows what Stefan figures out about him in front of the fire: that he is not intrinsically worse than they ( Read more... )

tvd: tyler lockwood is my puppy, to/tvd: who's afraid of the big bad wolf, tvd: jeremy gilbert will also cut a bitc, tvd: salvatores forevah, tvd, episode review

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pocochina December 14 2012, 04:43:41 UTC
I think Caroline's equivocal support of Tyler had more to do with her loyalties to Stefan and Elena

I don't even see it as being a chain of siring for Caroline, so much as, it's her usual thing of believing that everyone around her is as loyal as she is, you know? Klaus is around a lot, and is nice to her and not a direct threat to her friends in the way she'd expected him to be, and so she's mistaken proximity for closeness. Caroline thinks you can trust the people in your life. And oh, man, my heart just breaks for Tyler, who has such a terrible time trying to trust (because he knows the people closest to you have the most power to hurt you), and has been betrayed by all of the very few people he's let in.

Yes, and that drives Klaus CRAZY. I think he almost feels he has to prove that anyone in his situation HAS to turn out as awful and evil as him, and Tyler proving him wrong drives him round the twist.YES. He's decided he's going to MAKE Tyler be as bad as he is, dammit! Because as long as Tyler is okay and uncorrupted, Klaus ( ... )


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pocochina December 14 2012, 05:08:45 UTC
it's like he's being forced into this situation where his resentment is classified as "bad" and "wrong" and Must Be Entirely Suppressed

Oh, I see. Yeah, I have...decided that the narrative is not supporting this viewpoint, just suggesting that it is Jeremy's unreliable-if-understandable concern at the moment. The fact that this was all happening under Shane's exploitative direction, and the way the script went out of its way to remind us about the compulsion she's put him through in the past, suggested to me that we're really not supposed to be excusing her. and if we are, then W/E SHOW, I THINK FOR MYSELF!


waltzmatildah December 14 2012, 04:39:36 UTC
This could probably (definitely!!) use a cut given how recently the episode aired...


pocochina December 14 2012, 04:45:23 UTC
Shit! Is the cut not working? It looks like it is from my home page...


angearia December 14 2012, 05:01:37 UTC
Looks fine for me too...


waltzmatildah December 14 2012, 05:02:28 UTC
Nope, not working from mine. How weird!!


nrgburst December 14 2012, 04:57:59 UTC
OMG YES. I have so many conflicting feelings about this episode.

I dislike Klaus- he is an awful person who does awful things and he is messing with my OTP. But no character is ever 100% PURE EVIL INCARNATE. So even juxtaposed against all the murder, I found Stefan and Caroline's unknowing sympathy for a mass murderer believable. THEY would be less sympathetic to the audience if they couldn't see that side to him that feels utterly alone. So despite all the horribleness, I too saw the sad, human side of Klaus tonight. I just wish Tyler could put him out of his misery already. Gah. Why didn't he question where this witch was coming from; want to see her with his own eyes before committing to the plan ( ... )


pocochina December 14 2012, 05:20:12 UTC
ahaha. Hating Klaus is totally fair. I just really love the deconstruction of woobification that's happening with him? Because IMO Klaus is THE most sinned-against character in the TVD 'verse, and that changes exactly NOTHING about the horribleness of what he's done and continues to do.

Why didn't he question where this witch was coming from; want to see her with his own eyes before committing to the plan?

I kinda can't blame him for believing her. Hayley's been with him for months and months, and is the only person in his life besides his mom who hasn't sold him out in the last couple of weeks.

She's just like, "I'm the doppelganger, everybody has to help me." Not, "I'm the doppelganger- I need to get away from here to keep everyone I love safe."In fairness, though, it's not like that ever works. And she found out about the doppelganger thing from Katherine, who tried to run and everyone got killed for her trouble. Elena's got plenty of character flaws, but there really isn't anything she could do about that part of it. (I ( ... )


nrgburst December 15 2012, 02:19:49 UTC
I actually think Jeremy's subconscious thing here is Elena's favorite cop-out. Ooooh, interesting. Can I just say I love all the thinky thoughts in this corner of fandom? LOL It really makes the show so much more enjoyable. :D


youcallitwinter December 14 2012, 10:04:33 UTC

Also, highly enjoyable was the deconstruction of the "alpha" bit, because no, if there's something he is absolutely not, it's his father. And his expression at the time when Carol told him Richard would be proud was so ON. Because there's that certain veil that even someone as hardcore as Carol wears about her husband and her husband and son's relationship which I think is lovely and very true to how actual relationships like these develop? She'd rather create a false history because Richard is gone, than acknowledge his reality. GUH, I ADORED THIS SO MUCH BECAUSE OF TYLER. Also Tyler/Caroline, I absolutely love how the whole Klaus/Caroline business hasn't actually affected them, in so much as Stefan/Caroline has. Because Caroline is inherently loyal before anything else, so if there's anything creating a problem between them it's more Elena/Caroline/Stefan rather than Klaus/Caroline as fandom seems to be making out. IDK, IT'S SO WELL DEVELOPED I CAN'T. Also Stefan sympathizing with Klaus, ( ... )


pocochina December 14 2012, 14:05:07 UTC


there's that certain veil that even someone as hardcore as Carol wears about her husband and her husband and son's relationship which I think is lovely and very true to how actual relationships like these develop?

yes. YES. She convinced herself that because it wasn't all bad, there had to be some good coming from Richard. And Tyler was hurt by the words, but so buoyed by the fact that it was his mom's attempt to tell him how much she loved and respected him.


I support this message! I'm going to write a whole post about this soon, I think, b/c it's so key, but in the meantime I'm going to move this comment here:

Caroline/Damon/Elena are a damn near perfect parallel to Stefan/Katherine/Damon. Human victim/abusive vampire/human lover and enabler of abusive vampire. He's ~managing Caroline in this gross way because he's been doing the same to himself for all this time. And now ( ... )


youcallitwinter December 14 2012, 16:12:59 UTC
YOUR THOUGHTS ARE PERFECT AND ARE MAKING ME CRY. Seriously though I need a good Stefan/Caroline deconstruction because I am tired of fandom hating on it, not out of any sense of outraged narrative, but because omg how dare anyone interfere with Damon and Elena’s epic love.

YES TO ALL YOUR STEFAN THOUGHTS BTW. I don’t know, I’m one of those very few people in fandom who doesn’t think that Stefan is a sneaky manipulative bastard who puts on a front, but legitimately doesn’t know what is wrong with his approach. He actually means what he says and does; it isn’t just a front.

What usually becomes hard to remember because it was wrapped up so quickly, is that Stefan doesn’t only think this way, but he also has been conditioned to think this way through Lexi’s de-rippering techniques. His thoughts may be his own, but a lot of his responses to vampirism are Pavlovian; in his mind it’s not only associated with debilitating guilt but also with pain and torture. Which is what is so infinitely sad about his narrative, that this isn’t ever ( ... )


pocochina December 14 2012, 17:42:00 UTC
Yeah, I feel like it's become verboten to like dick-Stefan. Possibly I'm being contrary, but I think he makes so much sense if you let go of the idea that he has to be good/that the narrative is presenting him as good. I JUST LOVE ME SOME SALVATORES OKAY.

I’m one of those very few people in fandom who doesn’t think that Stefan is a sneaky manipulative bastard who puts on a front, but legitimately doesn’t know what is wrong with his approach. He actually means what he says and does; it isn’t just a front.

I don't go quite that far, I think, because I do think he knows what he's doing now. But I don't think he's doing it to get one over on people? I just don't quite believe he knows how else to be. And I don't think he quite groks that other people don't have half of his skill at playing the game. All of that adds up to someone who's a good deal more dangerous than a Damon or even Klaus, who can revel in flinging themselves into their dick behavior because they know they're doing it ( ... )


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