i like the tiling.

Feb 28, 2011 02:58

I really freaking love the end of BtVS S4.

dollhouse spoilers )

btvs/ats, dollhouse, episode reviews

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pocochina February 28 2011, 15:59:11 UTC
I completely love the end of it, too. That kind of relationship changes as your life changes, but that doesn't make it not powerful, and Primeval is really important to setting that up for the next three years.

HARMONY! Whatever scene she's in gets twice as entertaining just by virtue of her being there.


delta_mai February 28 2011, 10:26:16 UTC
...*is confused* Which episode is this? Are you talking about Restless or the finale?!


pocochina February 28 2011, 16:00:46 UTC
I wanted to talk about NMR-Restless. so, the whole end of season arc.


vamp_mogs February 28 2011, 11:24:42 UTC
Also a fun contrast: Angel beats the ever-loving crap out of the Initiative guys because....I actually don't know why, exactly, as I don't see how they would have known to attack him if he was actually laying low.

We saw earlier in the season that the soldiers were equipped with devices to detect vampires by reading their body’s core temperature. Angel says he was jumped.


pocochina February 28 2011, 16:02:35 UTC
oh, I forgot about that! He still does everything he can to pick a fight with Riley, though, he's not off the hook for that.


vamp_mogs March 1 2011, 01:23:38 UTC
Well, I think they're both guilty of that. Angel believes Riley was part of the team that jumped him (he shows up in his commando gear right as Angel is attacked) and when Angel asks him -- "Welcoming committee your idea?", Riley doesn't deny it. Instead, Riley avoids the question and makes light of Angel's "pesky" soul and then, in retaliation, Angel doesn't deny he lost it either. So they're both being misleading on purpose and they're both just itching for a smack down.

So, yeah, I won’t deny that Angel was looking for a fight but he sincerely believed Riley was part of the group that tried to attack him - “I got jumped by some soldiers. He came in in the middle. And wasn't real forthcoming with the benefit of the doubt” - and that's because Riley let him think that on purpose. They’re both guilty of being dumbasses in that ep. I love it.


ceciliaj February 28 2011, 12:45:42 UTC
the creation-weapon taken its own consciousness, the fruit of curiosity knowing almost nothing but. This is so interesting.

I was just writing about the dangerous path of the interesting yesterday...it was in the context of art-making rather than evil-doing, but I was excited to see it here. I should spend more time with Adam. I'm strangely attracted to the bromance between that actor and Riley with the fort and the pillows.

The fuzzy border between physiology and psychology.



pocochina February 28 2011, 16:07:21 UTC
I had completely never thought about it before! Maybe I haven't re-watched this part of S4 in a while. But yeah, a lot of the themes with Adam re-appear in Alpha. I think they're better executed and more clearly thought through with Alpha, and it's a lot creepier with the Wash-looking dude as Frankenstein rather than...Frankenstein.


sunclouds33 February 28 2011, 16:14:19 UTC
Not too crazy about the Spike parts because I remain pissed off that the Scoobies didn't stake him after he was shown to be cooperating with ADAM and if he had his way, could have gotten them all killed ( ... )


pocochina February 28 2011, 16:29:13 UTC
yes! I love this friendship throughout, as rocky as it gets sometimes, and that's a perfect articulation of why.

Favorite Restless dream belongs to my homegirl Willow but favorite Restless moment belongs to Buffy totally rejecting the "hero should be isolated and high on their own pain and sacrific crap". "I don't sleep on a bed of bones"

Seconded on both counts.


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