i like the tiling.

Feb 28, 2011 02:58

I really freaking love the end of BtVS S4.

dollhouse spoilers )

btvs/ats, dollhouse, episode reviews

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sunclouds33 February 28 2011, 16:14:19 UTC
Not too crazy about the Spike parts because I remain pissed off that the Scoobies didn't stake him after he was shown to be cooperating with ADAM and if he had his way, could have gotten them all killed.

But I adore, *adore* the Core Four stuff which was always my favorite part of the show so The Yoke Factor-Restless is like a big Christmas present for me. Through the Dawnverse as the Core Four relationships were split apart, I did repeat to myself, "We'll always have the shared powers and consciousness of Primeival/Restless.

Favorite Restless dream belongs to my homegirl Willow but favorite Restless moment belongs to Buffy totally rejecting the "hero should be isolated and high on their own pain and sacrific crap". "I don't sleep on a bed of bones", indeed! S1-5 Buffy is a wonderful heroine for the same reasons why she's a great friend, daughter, would likely be a great CEO or non-profit head. It's not about the prenatural strength. It's being smart and bringing people together for a great purpose. And when she kind of fails at that because she's a flawed human (see The Yoko Factor), Willow, Xander and Giles are strong, loving and just totally awesome enough to fight through that crap and insist on being there to help her. This is why, yes, the Core Four has their issues and sometimes they're not nice to each other but they shine the brightest as the most productive and awesome unit on this show. My peeps!


pocochina February 28 2011, 16:29:13 UTC
yes! I love this friendship throughout, as rocky as it gets sometimes, and that's a perfect articulation of why.

Favorite Restless dream belongs to my homegirl Willow but favorite Restless moment belongs to Buffy totally rejecting the "hero should be isolated and high on their own pain and sacrific crap". "I don't sleep on a bed of bones"

Seconded on both counts.


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