So, last night mostly consisted of eating rainbow sherbet and re-watching "Galileo" to write fic for celbalrai and then staying up until 7:30 am watching teevee and reading. Whoops
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re: Studio 60, my friend and I are totally getting together to watch some West Wing, switch to Studio 60, and then back to West Wing. We are NERDS.
And holy crap, that article on the gay couple flying American Airlines is infuriating. I had to read it twice for it to really sink in. WTF, mates? What the hell is wrong with people?
Yeah, but AWESOME nerds! I wish I had the time to be that nerdy. I have class and an editorial meeting right up until ten o'clock, which sucks. I always like to get in the mood for new Sorkin by watching old Sorkin!
And yeah, that article just made me... oh god, so so SO mad. Turn the PLANE AROUND because they were being AFFECTIONATE? What even IS that? What the hell kind of country do we live in?
(Don't answer that last one, actually. It's just going to make me sad.)
I don't even have an answer to that last question, so no worries there.
If I were working on a show this semester, I wouldn't have so much quality Sorkin time. It just worked out that way. My schedule's surprisingly light this time around. *dances* I'm very pleased.
Dude, the mall in The Blank Stare is by you? That's so amazingly cool. Like. AWESOME.
And honestly, considering how much I knew about the pilot before it aired? I'm being CRAZY good about spoilers. Mostly 'cause I can't take TWoP anymore, but yeah. STAY STRONG.
It is! One of the two main malls I go to. (As I live in New Jersey, you can basically spit and hit a shopping mall, so...) And it took me like, forever to realize it. It was one of those things where I KNEW it seemed familiar, and figured it was just used in some other show. But then I was like, "No, wait they filmmed on this coast... NO WAIT OMG THAT'S WILLOWBROOK."
I AM TRYING. Only a few more hours until I can see it for myself! I promised myself that after the pilot I'd stop reading sides and stuff, once the episodes started coming at a normal rate and I didn't have to wait five hundred months to see something. And I'm going to be good! I am!
Comments 6
And holy crap, that article on the gay couple flying American Airlines is infuriating. I had to read it twice for it to really sink in. WTF, mates? What the hell is wrong with people?
And yeah, that article just made me... oh god, so so SO mad. Turn the PLANE AROUND because they were being AFFECTIONATE? What even IS that? What the hell kind of country do we live in?
(Don't answer that last one, actually. It's just going to make me sad.)
If I were working on a show this semester, I wouldn't have so much quality Sorkin time. It just worked out that way. My schedule's surprisingly light this time around. *dances* I'm very pleased.
And honestly, considering how much I knew about the pilot before it aired? I'm being CRAZY good about spoilers. Mostly 'cause I can't take TWoP anymore, but yeah. STAY STRONG.
I AM TRYING. Only a few more hours until I can see it for myself! I promised myself that after the pilot I'd stop reading sides and stuff, once the episodes started coming at a normal rate and I didn't have to wait five hundred months to see something. And I'm going to be good! I am!
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