whoops it's almost july

Jun 30, 2014 12:28

Sorry, internet, I'm balls at el jay these days, huh?

A few updates for the sake of posting in June and entertaining anyone who still reads this:

lifeThings are generally going well. I was feeling down for a few days, more than just post-con slump, but I started spotting last night and, TMI, thanks to my IUD, that's pretty much the only ( Read more... )

work: office girl, dragoncon 14, orphan black, friends, miss fisher's murder mysteries, teevee, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, a sarah tag, heroes con

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Comments 5

lilacsigil July 1 2014, 04:34:47 UTC
Yay, I'm so excited that Miss Fisher is getting out into other countries! It's a great show and it's always thrilling to see locations I actually know shot so beautifully.


momebie July 1 2014, 14:40:38 UTC
AAAAAH. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO FOR CLOSET CAROL. I just need to pick a type of clothing I think and go for it. I wonder how hard Rockabilly Carol would be.... Also, I somehow missed about the anti-heroes and villains day, so yay for the Bucky cardigan!


bessiemaemucho July 1 2014, 15:10:49 UTC
Sorry your job situation sucks :( I will put it on my vision board for you!

also: mutants.


eldarwannabe July 2 2014, 20:33:35 UTC
We will have hangs! Guaranteed hangs! You will be, like, the second person to know when I figure out my moving date. (MOVING IS THE WORST.)

OMG, can we play Slash? CAN WE TALK ABOUT MUTANTS? Yes? Yes?

Law school pfffffffft whatever. (That is a lie. I will drop off the planet for finals. Apologies in advance.)

Oooh, should I ask around about D*Con? I promise not to send you any crazies.


kath_ballantyne July 7 2014, 10:21:16 UTC
I adore Miss Fisher. It's fantastic. The books are great too. Though after watching so many British and American detective stories and ones set in the 20s it made me laugh every time Bert and Ces talked. I love them all and I can't wait to see more. The UST between Phrine and Jack is amazing.


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