whoops it's almost july

Jun 30, 2014 12:28

Sorry, internet, I'm balls at el jay these days, huh?

A few updates for the sake of posting in June and entertaining anyone who still reads this:

Things are generally going well. I was feeling down for a few days, more than just post-con slump, but I started spotting last night and, TMI, thanks to my IUD, that's pretty much the only indication that I have that I'm sort of having a period, so that might explain some of the moods. I'm feeling slightly better after this weekend and I'm also well-aware that a LOT of the bad stuff is situational/work related.

Generally, though, life is good! momebie lives here now, which is AWESOME and the size of the Boston Fangirl Contingent makes my heart happy. More of you should move here! We are great! (I am super excited that eldarwannabe is coming for law school soon! Even though that means she'll probably mostly be busy doing law school, I have hope for at least some hangs!) I've been generally keeping busy seeing people and doing things and it's really nice. I was sort of chatting with a girl on OKC, too, but that's sort of tapered off this week. I can't tell if it's because she's not into it or because she's super busy from moving, but we'll see what happens. But also just like, hanging out with friends is good, and getting out of the house and seeing people and talking. This weekend I spent way too long hanging out with Jesse at Hub and then the rest of the day hanging out with metonymy and barbed_whispers at their apartment where we drank boozey dairy-free milkshakes like grown-ups.

A couple weekends ago solsticezero came to visit us and that was also great! We saw DoFP and had brunch and went to the Bantam tasting room and watched OitNB and generally hung out. Last weekend I went to a con, but that gets its own bullet point.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the summer and breakfast adventures and beach outings and general summer hooliganism.

It's balls and I don't want to talk about it. There's a mass exodus of employees leaving and I am trying to be among them. My boss is super manipulative and a shitty boss. Riley already got out and I'm jealous. Lots of internal things are happening that are encouraging me to leave. It's just terrible overall.


It was so so excellent to see my friends, esp Sarah and Katie. I only really hung out with Katie for the first time last year at DCon, but I love her and she's excellent, so I was so glad we got to hang out a lot at Heroes this year. And Sarah is forever a delight and it kills me that I only get to see her twice a year because I feel like she understands me in my soul ♥

Also it was great to go to panels, talk to artists and writers, etc. Jeff Smith was there! Which was so cool! (Totally babbled at him about how important his books are to kids who don't read normally.) Skottie Young is apparently a hilarious national treasure with excellent comic timing! Kevin Wada is as precious as you'd think he was! So is Kris Anka! Joe Quinones kind of gave me permission to be a creeper next time I see him around, which I'm sure he'll live to regret! The DeFractions continue to be a perfect power couple whom I aspire to be like in every way! Et cetera!

A couple memorable moments:
  • There was a baby dressed like Captain Marvel. She was adorable. I got to hold her. I did not put her in my bag and run away with her, though I was tempted.
  • There was a proposal at the Sex Criminals panel which was AMAZING. Fraction and Zdarsky were in on it and had everyone in the panel freeze while the couple (dressed as Jon and Suzie) ran around and pretended to be in The Quiet. Then Jon jumped on stage with Suzie and asked the question and she said yes and Fraction blasted "Fat Bottomed Girls" and it was pretty much perfect.
  • The Carol Corps panel was in the big room and nearly filled it and I got a Carol Corps button for wearing my Carol dress.
  • I gushed at Fraction about FF without ugly crying and he gushed back and took so long doodling on my FF#9 that he started to get self-conscious that he was taking up too much of my time.
  • "Winter World War II Guy" was a thing.
  • So was "Water: It's What We Drink."
  • I'm really disappointed Skottie Young hasn't drawn Rocket Raccoon made out of cupcakes after a joke on the Carol Corps panel.
  • "Charles Xavier: Shady as Fuck" was a thing because of my description of him on the card I made for him in slash.
  • We had REALLY GREAT CREPES one morning. Oh man. Crepes.

Other things probably happened too, but that's a rundown. Overall, it was great and low-key and everyone was wonderfully accessible and I had a fantastic time.

Still having a million feelings about mutants. Still spending all day texting pearl_o about (life and) mutants. Still getting hilariously over the top angry about people being wrong on the internet about mutants. (In private. I know better than to rant on tumblr.) Still want to read a million words about mutants, even though the only words being written right now are generally shitty.

Mutants, is what I'm saying basically.

X-Men Remix is coming up and I have about eight possible remixes I'm currently playing around with. I have to see when it's due and then settle on at least one. I also have to finish my pod_together story and a bunch of other things, like Days of Kitty Past.

I also recently watched all of Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries and I love it more than life. SO happy there's going to be a S3. It's chock full of ladies helping ladies and awesome feminist rolemodels and acknowledgement that ladies can choose whatever path they'd like in life, as long as it's their choice and PHRYNE and DOT and JANE and MAC and Jack's dumb ridiculous "goddamn lady detectives" faces! Also, there is an instance of "kissing as a form of distraction" between the really excellently written UST-y almost!couple and I lost my SHIT and then in S2 she PUTS ON HIS TIE FOR HIM and I almost exploded, anyway, watch this show if you love those things as I do.

Orphan Black S2 just ended and it is a shitshow in the best possible way and I'm so interested in what's going to happen in S3 and it's great as well. SO MANY LADIES ON TEEVEE, GUYS!

LESS THAN SIXTY DAYS UNTIL DRAGONCON! I bought my flight (although I had to buy it a day earlier than I wanted because of the points I was using) and now I need to focus on costumes. We're doing a closet cosplay Carol Danvers day and a closet cosplay Antiheroes and Villains day, if anyone is interested in those things. Let me know! The Carol one is because Kelly Sue is going to be there this year (!!!) so we want to make sure the Carol Corps is out in force. Also I have a Cornetto Trilogy costume and maybe a Mabel Pines costume? idk, we'll see how I feel about the sweater as we get closer to con.

WE ARE STILL LOOKING FOR ONE PERSON FOR OUR ROOM. Let me know if you know anyone who's looking for a place to crash. We're in the Sheraton this year.


So, that's basically it, I think. Now I'm going to go back to being angry about SCOTUS and writing ficlets on tumblr!

work: office girl, dragoncon 14, orphan black, friends, miss fisher's murder mysteries, teevee, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, a sarah tag, heroes con

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