is this a news report or a trailer for a motion picture?

Apr 29, 2013 11:09

Hello, internet.

Long time no see, I know. I feel like my brain has been trying to process a lot of things lately and I hadn't wanted to write until I got them pinned down but, surprise, brains don't like being pinned down, so that didn't work out.

mental health + boston )

anne-marie duff: queen of my heart, the tumblrs, urban adjustments, friends, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, cardigan central, slanty face, mcavoy has a stupid goober face

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Comments 4

afrocurl April 29 2013, 15:23:59 UTC
I don't have much to add about the events from two weeks ago, so I'll add my two cents about running something like SM in July: I'm not too keen, but only because there's Remix, and RBB (for some) and maybe even a few people doing Not Primetime, so it seems like maybe the wrong time to add another thing.

But that's just me and what I know I've got going on.

Hopefully Iron Man doesn't disappoint. Are you doing a midnight showing or something more reasonable like 8 or 9?


pocky_slash April 29 2013, 20:10:50 UTC
Well, Remix will have ended about a month prior to when I'm thinking of doing this, and I think Not Prime Time is due at the end of June? I mean, it wouldn't be assignments or anything, it would be exactly the same set-up at SMM, just another chance for people to take a swing at those prompts. Totally voluntary, so if you don't have the time/inclination, it wouldn't bar you from participating in the winter or whatever :)


(The comment has been removed)

pocky_slash April 29 2013, 20:12:43 UTC
Yeah, it would def be low-key and no max or min wordcount. Pretty much exactly like SMM, the summer. I might start to ask around, especially because the hard part (ie: coding like, two-hundred prompts by hand) is already over and it would require very little actual moderation XD


_morning_glow May 5 2013, 19:11:58 UTC
I've been meaning to reply to this since you posted it, but I keep getting sidetracked by Iron Man...things.. But I really do want to respond so here I am.

I don't want to hijack your LJ to talk about myself in response to this but...I know what you're going through? With the weirdly normal and how it feels fake and then you get hit with remembering it all over again. I get it. Sandy Hook was five (!?!) months ago and it STILL feels like something that happened on TV, or happened somewhere else, because how could something like that happen here, in Newtown? And still, five months later, I will still sometimes get that gut feeling again, where it hits me that, yes, that was here. I got that feeling this morning at work, even. I was looking for the fax number for a local school nurse and, while looking on our list of local school phone/fax numbers, all of a sudden there was Sandy Hook Elementary and it hit me all over again ( ... )


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