bingo and stuff

Mar 03, 2013 19:51

Hi, internet! I went to quatredeathlady's house this weekend! We saw Matt Hires and Matchbox Twenty! It was awesome! Now I am back and tired and don't want to go to work, and also my eye is swollen, but I STILL HAD AN AWESOME TIME ( Read more... )

matt hires, mb20, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, nicole

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Comments 8

liveonthesun March 4 2013, 01:45:43 UTC
of course you got a hanukkah square. :D


pocky_slash March 4 2013, 04:29:31 UTC
IT'S FATE. Right now I'm kinda looking at the first line because I really want to do Moira/Fury porn (I know I just said I don't write porn but I NORMALLY DON'T, I've just been feeling that lately), but maybe I'll do a postage stamp, if I can find a non-porny way to use "metal tentacles."


liveonthesun March 4 2013, 04:37:46 UTC
they have to save the day a defeat an EVIL ROBOT OCTOPUS OF COURSE!


eldarwannabe March 4 2013, 01:53:11 UTC
I don't actually think there is a more typical way to interact fannishly. Just the louder way and the quieter way, which tends to be lost in the louder way. (Like, shipper are LOUD. Gen-writers, not so much.)

I dunno. Just pondering. In conclusion, I would totally read your meta and I am looking forward to your bingo.


pocky_slash March 4 2013, 04:35:38 UTC
I mean, it's bedtime now so I can't totally get into it, but I obviously do write a lot of really shippy fic, it's just not porny? And there's a lot of porny fic that sort of...reinforces things I don't like to read, mostly the sort of hetero-normative-izing of slash pairings? And I was reading a thing last week about yaoi and how it's not MEANT to be realistic, it's meant to be a female ideal written for a female audience where one of the dudes is feminine enough for a woman to sort of relate? (I am DRASTICALLY SIMPLIFYING THE ESSAY.) And I guess it never occurred to me that people were writing characters in a way that I look at as "out of character" on purpose because they don't care about "out of character" as much as they care about the particular situation?

idk idk. I have thoughts on it. For the purposes of this entry, those thoughts are, "Man, it's hard to sign up for fannish challenges when it's assumed that everyone writes porn."


(The comment has been removed)

pocky_slash March 4 2013, 04:36:21 UTC
Luckily I'm not crazy about either of the lines it's on, so it's easily avoidable.


metonymy March 4 2013, 03:33:05 UTC
Didn't I leave you a first line prompt about Chanukah? Or was it Passover? I'M A HELPER.


pocky_slash March 4 2013, 04:37:03 UTC
It was passover XD I've already written two Hanukkah fics, but this is a good excuse to write another, given how crazy busy I am with secret_mutant around actualfax Hanukkah.

eta: That is to say, not that I've written two so I don't need to write more, but that I was excited that your prompt was Passover because I hadn't written that yet!


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