day almost done - formal wear

Feb 27, 2013 23:10

JUST ONE MORE. And I outlined it at the conference I was at today, so it will definitely be done tomorrow, meaning I finished this all in February and with only three extra days! Only THREE! I'm so surprised at myself!

Anyway, I don't want to get ahead of myself. This is a direct sequel to doing something hot because I realized halfway through ( Read more... )

charles/erik, 25 days of otp, fic: 2013, daycare verse, fic: xmfc

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Comments 4

afrocurl February 28 2013, 04:54:26 UTC
This is sweet (as I expected) but also speaks about their relationship and what is to come from it.


bessiemaemucho February 28 2013, 05:15:03 UTC
1) Severe flashbacks to hanging out in the cooler at camp. Like, reading this made me want a crappy Hershey's bar. Mmm.
2) Aww, they so totes love each other!
3) A few teensy things: the bride's name changed from Megan to Meghan, Charles was "dressed to impressed," and he said "who's" instead of "whose." Oh also I'm pretty sure you meant "ensconced" instead of "incensed". (That last one is a joke in case anyone else reads this comment and thinks I'm a total idiot. DON'T JUDGE ME, YOU DON'T KNOW MY LIFE)
4) "Erik throws him another bone" LOL BONE
5) Did I already say this was the cutest? OK well, it is.


fengirl88 February 28 2013, 21:00:29 UTC
another lovely story, and a great sequel to "doing something hot".


synekdokee March 1 2013, 08:34:35 UTC
*sobs with sweetness*


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