i'm not looking forward to this three hour meeting

Jan 07, 2013 09:09

Hello hello, internet.

I was able to work on my sleep debt a little this weekend, but not as much as I would have liked. Still, that was because I had an awesome Mutant Party with littledust, chiasmus, and mayatawi, so it's acceptable. We drank mulled wine and watched XMFC (with our own commentary) and then X1-X3 (with Rifftrax commentary). Good times were had. Chinese ( Read more... )

work: office girl, kelsey gets a tag now, slanty face, friends

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Comments 4

afrocurl January 7 2013, 18:14:55 UTC
I need to email you a thing about BB, so I'll do that instead of putting it out here, but I'm sure you'll both be fine.

The tweets from XMFC and X1-X3 sounded like fun, though.


synekdokee January 7 2013, 19:04:54 UTC
It's interesting how we learn to recognise the warning signs. I tend to be able to tell when I'm near a depressive episode because I get hyperaware of the quality of my relationships. I kind of start undervaluing them, maybe because it makes it easier to sink into apathy if I don't have to worry about anyone else D:

The food thing makes sense too. I lose my appetite when I'm depressed, mostly because I stop caring about that sort of stuff. Food loses taste and I'm incapable of enjoying it. I just go through the mechanics of it.



bessiemaemucho January 8 2013, 03:19:29 UTC
I know *intellectually* you know this, but just a reminder... people like you for reasons besides fandom! And if you finish a fic late, or don't finish it at all, people will still like you! Fandom is supposed to be fun so if you need to "drop out" of BB and post it later for it to be fun... do it! People will still be happy to read it whenever you post it. I mean unless you wait until like 3013 and then IDK if XMFC will be popular with our robot overlords :(

♥ ♥ ♥


eldarwannabe January 9 2013, 05:06:32 UTC

There's a rifftrax for X1-X3?


More importantly, feel better. *hugs*


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