my mom calls people on their birthdays and blasts birthday songs and shouts at them over the phone t

Dec 13, 2012 09:49

Good morning, internet. I am so tired :(

First, and most importantly, IT IS pearl_o'S BIRTHDAY TODAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING ♥ ♥ ♥

In honor of her birthday (and because I've been so busy with secret_mutant that I both a) haven't finished her birthday fic and b) haven't mailed her birthday package), here are five facts about Pearl that might be true!

  1. She is really ( Read more... )

erica!, work: office girl, secret_mutant, birthdays, friends

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Comments 1

pearl_o December 16 2012, 01:08:05 UTC
You are the best and ILU.


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