my mom calls people on their birthdays and blasts birthday songs and shouts at them over the phone t

Dec 13, 2012 09:49

Good morning, internet. I am so tired :(

First, and most importantly, IT IS pearl_o'S BIRTHDAY TODAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING ♥ ♥ ♥

In honor of her birthday (and because I've been so busy with secret_mutant that I both a) haven't finished her birthday fic and b) haven't mailed her birthday package), here are five facts about Pearl that might be true!

  1. She is really good at cooking things!
  2. When the alien robot overlords invaded, she was the one who shut down their leader with a simple logical fallacy.
  3. She wrote this story that I love so much, you guys don't even know. (And this one. And this series. And this series. Actually, just go read all the stuff she wrote.)
  4. When the orphanage was on fire, she was the one who bravely called 911 from a safe distance and then hung her laundry out to dry because--hey. Free fire.
  5. The penguins, grateful for Pearl's help in their revolution, bequeath her with an array of beautifully prepared fish every year on this day.

So, I hope you learned some things about how great pearl_o is. If not, please re-read that list until some of the items stick.


NEW FOLLOWERS I'M REALLY SORRY. I know a bunch of people have added me and I haven't added you back yet and I AM TOTALLY GETTING TO IT I SWEAR. It's just, well, signing up for the friending meme last weekend was kind of stupid because I am in the middle of modding a holiday exchange and I'm so crazy busy that I want to pull all my hair out and roll around crying on the floor.

(It's actually not that bad this year--I'm totally exaggerating the crying bit. But it is super busy-making, especially as I picked up a couple pinch hits and everything is due this weekend. Hopefully after this weekend things will calm down a little? I might sleep more, at least.)

But yes, I've not forgotten you, new followers! I'm going to make an intro post and everything! I'm just...really busy right now. And really, really tired.


I have a lot of thoughts about my job and how much I really just don't care about it, but see above re: busy. Perhaps this weekend, once the secret_Mutant archive opens, I'll have enough time to put them into words!

For now, enjoy the rest of your week, everyone ♥

erica!, work: office girl, secret_mutant, birthdays, friends

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