"you don't hate me. i'm just making jokes about robot mpreg. everyone else is actually writing it."

Jun 09, 2012 18:44

Hello, internet. Today I saw Prometheus. I was going to wait and see it with chiasmus, but she's away this weekend and all the people talking about it had me too intrigued to wait. (Though I will see it again with her, probably ( Read more... )

movies, horror movies

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Comments 10

chiasmus June 9 2012, 22:52:18 UTC
I didn't read the spoilers, so I am still pretty excited, if you want to are it with me, even though stlkrchck is judging me for it. XD


pocky_slash June 9 2012, 22:54:52 UTC
Yeah, I'll definitely see it with you again, if only so I can immediately assault you afterwards with discussion and questions XD It really wasn't bad! Just...not the movie I wanted?


metonymy June 9 2012, 23:10:42 UTC
Someone write me the crossover between this and Stonehenge Apocalypse. I'll buy them dinner. (Maybe not a fancy dinner, but still.)


rose71 June 9 2012, 23:37:55 UTC
Interesting analysis! The family dynamics do sound intriguing, and it's a pity they're not more central to the film. I have to admit I'm still planning to see this just for Fassbender. DON'T JUDGE ME. While watching anything remotely connected to XMFC in recent months, I have come to the conclusion that he truly is a brilliant actor (though I'm not a fan of him as a person).

I so wasn't even kidding about "the great question of life, the universe, and everything."
Sigh. Any answers are bound to be disappointing--as Douglas Adams knew so well, stringing us along without even giving us the question, but giving us lots of insights about living in the universe. <3 <3


pocky_slash June 9 2012, 23:59:29 UTC
Hey, this is a judgement free zone! I don't know anything about Fassbender as a person (nor do I want to), but I have to admit he's a really excellent actor and it's a movie worth seeing, for sure. I think the review comes off much more negatively than I really felt? idk? I left not really loving it, but having enjoyed myself. Still wish it was scarier. :;shakes fist::


rose71 June 10 2012, 00:10:51 UTC
Still wish it was scarier.
I guess it's safe for me to see it, then! I am a wimp and don't enjoy being scared. Alien was too disturbing for me. Basically, I just want to see Fassbender doing Lawrence of Arabia.


likeadeuce June 9 2012, 23:38:09 UTC
People were WOOBYING David? Fandom confuses me, but my favorite part was that he was kind of an asshole. OK, my *favorite* part was the Peter O'Toole thing because oh my God, if you had just told me, "Fassbender basically does this whole movie as Peter O'Toole in Lawrence of Arabia, hair and all," I would literally have gone to see a movie on that basis alone, not knowing anything else about it.

Anyway, I totally agree with you about the plot and genre issues, but ultimately they didn't bother me and I just enjoyed the atmosphere and characters enough to go from there.

Although, I hope I'm not the only one who wanted an alternate ending where Shaw spends the next two years trapped in the (fully functional) living pod with Meredith, and David's head.

ETA: Also, did you read Meredith as being Weyland's biological daughter? I took her calling him "Father" to mean she's also an android, though admittedly now that I think about it there's nothing else to back that up.


pocky_slash June 10 2012, 00:12:45 UTC
I haven't read a lot of it because I had a feeling, given he was an android working for Weyland, that he was going to be evil, but there was a lot of fic prior to the movie and the few that I skimmed seemed to be of the "David 8 yearns to be a real boy" persuasion ( ... )


likeadeuce June 10 2012, 00:23:07 UTC
I hope Meredith's alive! I guess she could have survived if Shaw did (and esp. if she's an android) and I like that her status is ambiguous. I sort of enjoy the notion that she is human but she cultivated an android-like demeanor as a response to dad liking David better. When Janek asked her if she was a robot, she thought it was an enormous compliment.

And yeah, totally, more of David watching movies and eavesdropping on people's memories.


ilovetakahana June 11 2012, 13:10:41 UTC
Yeah, re the existential questions, thanks for being such a wimp Ridley - you're getting soft in your old age. My SO pointed out the exchange between Holloway and David - and I said, "Yeah, you try thinking about that question seriously in a country where no one wants to hear the answer that David gave, and will refuse to hear it if it's said to them again."

I'm with David on that one, always have been, but in my environment it ain't exactly safe to give that answer.


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