[ficlet] more mutants in atlantis

Jan 10, 2012 22:42

So, remember the SGA AU that I was writing a few months ago?

I wrote some more.

This is for lurkmuch as thanks for her donation to my friend's mom's heart transplant fund. (Yes, I haven't forgotten! I've got three more to do, I know ( Read more... )

charles/erik, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, mutants in atlantis, fic: 2012, fic: sga, fic i'm totally not writing, fic: xmfc

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Comments 13

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pocky_slash January 11 2012, 04:00:16 UTC
Yay! :D

I...kind of want to write more. I want to write a "Return" fic, but about Charles and Erik, when Erik takes like, four weeks leave and comes and stays with Charles in the mansion and they mope and miss their team and miss Atlantis and get to know each other better while John and Rodney are out west having their phone dates and Radek's in Prague and Elizabeth is locked in her house.

What has my life become?


such_heights January 11 2012, 13:36:12 UTC
awwww, yes please! <3


pocky_slash January 11 2012, 14:14:23 UTC
I....maybe thought about this a lot on the train this morning. ::shifty eyes::


positivelyb January 11 2012, 04:24:01 UTC
That was amazing and awesome, and now I have to go watch both parts of "The Return" because I miss SGA like whoa.

Please write more! I have to request scenes with Charles and Rodney, because oh my god, I want to see how much Rodney hates Charles. I bet it is epic.


pocky_slash January 11 2012, 13:12:15 UTC
I keep meaning to write scenes with Charles and Rodney. Rodney just...hates Charles too much for words. And Charles always acts extra enthusiastic and bubbly and cheerful around him, just to piss him off. (And, the irony is, Rodney thinks Erik is one of the less stupid grunts and is impressed by his mutation, but because he hates Charles, Erik just glares at him threateningly a lot.)


cb_eaglemaniac January 11 2012, 04:25:25 UTC

Would love to see more of it!! xD


pocky_slash January 11 2012, 13:12:56 UTC
I maybe spent the entire commute this morning thinking about Erik stuck at the SGC his first week back on Earth. ::shifty eyes::


fiddler_on_roof January 11 2012, 06:28:10 UTC
*wails* I need MORE! please, it is just too perfect
and on a side and completely unrelated note, do you have a tumblr? I finally succumbed and am looking for people of good and ridiculously fangirlish taste to follow


pocky_slash January 11 2012, 13:14:28 UTC
There's maybe more coming. It depends on if I get siezed by any other ideas between now and the next time I have time to write.

I DO have a tumblr. It's mostly picture of James McAvoy. I'd say like, 85/90% McAvoy, 15/10% everything else that I like. It's here.


scrollgirl January 11 2012, 16:40:05 UTC
Okay, I haven't read this yet because I want to start at the beginning, but I just wanted to say-- I *love* the idea of the X-Men in Atlantis. I had a plot bunny involving the Avengers as a gate team, but I think yours makes much more sense. *g*


pocky_slash January 18 2012, 18:19:26 UTC
Haha, well, there's not a "beginning" so much as "lots of snippets of random shit that popped into my head while talking to lurkmuch," but it's completely spiralled out of my control and into like, 6k words of "weekend boyfriends on Earth" Return fic that is mostly Charles and Erik being sad and hugging a lot. (And having sex against a wall. Because there needs to be more of that in this fandom.)

But! Hi! How are you? How's law school? ♥


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