various and sundry (but really sja, con crud, that meme, and bad movie night)

Sep 12, 2010 13:04

First off, I just want you dudes to know that I AM POSTING THIS FROM AN ACTUAL TABLE. That's right, Becca and I have a kitchen table now. It's so beautiful. I don't even have words.


Secondly, omg, guys, have you seen the new Sarah Jane Adventures promo pics? THEY'RE ALL GROWED UP! And Anjli looks super hot. Which I can say, cause she's twenty ( Read more... )

my arch-nemesis john barrowman, quotes, cardigan central, sja, movies, bad movie weekend, scifi saturday

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Comments 11

farewellojoys September 12 2010, 17:10:42 UTC
Dude! I heard 'Misha Serial Killer' and then thought you guys were watching Karla! Hopefully with that knowledge my 'THAT TOTALLY HAPPENED WHERE I LIVE' tweet makes more sense!


pocky_slash September 12 2010, 18:16:51 UTC
Oh, no, we did watch Karla. That came later, when we were REALLY drunk. JUST WAIT.


bookblather September 12 2010, 17:49:34 UTC
ZOMG PETER WINGFIELD. Did he survive? Obvs this is the most important part of the movie because I have a ridiculous crush on him. Oh, Peter Wingfield. You made that one obnoxious episode of Stargate SG-1 SO MUCH BETTER.


pocky_slash September 12 2010, 18:13:01 UTC
Tragically, no. After he survives being shot the first time and warns Misha, Chubs shoots him three more times and he goes down for good. Basically the only person who survives the movie is Torri. Life is hard.


bookblather September 12 2010, 18:26:17 UTC

*calms down*

*no really*


blue_fjords September 12 2010, 18:09:06 UTC
It was a robot head, pocky! I was rather three sheets to the wind when I watched SA, and I was so fucking confused about the gym being a prison. And I was 3/4 of the way through the movie before I realized that Torri was supposed to be British. Woman cannot do an accent.

To sum it up: I love Misha Collins.


pocky_slash September 12 2010, 18:16:04 UTC
Yeah, he was so into the robot head. Man. I hope Torry continues his robot head legacy.

There are a lot of things that Torri Higginson can't do. Like have more than one expression. Or act. It kind of gives me more respect for Chubs, who clearly came in and was like, "Look, dudes, I can't do an accent. Don't make me try."


harmonyangel September 12 2010, 18:09:58 UTC

That's... that's amazing. On so many levels. I just... there are no words.


pocky_slash September 12 2010, 18:16:24 UTC
See? I watch these movies so that you don't have to! Just wait until I get to the next two!


harmonyangel September 12 2010, 18:17:20 UTC
Unrelatedly, I just had the chance to use the phrase "The Dark Peeta Saga." I felt you needed to know that.


dremiel September 12 2010, 18:47:21 UTC
Clearly you are performing a VITAL PUBLIC SERVICE!

AND NO. Just No. The world is not ready for the Concrud version of the real me. I did take a pic but I look like a serial killer on a three day bender. Maybe tomorrow.


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