various and sundry (but really sja, con crud, that meme, and bad movie night)

Sep 12, 2010 13:04

First off, I just want you dudes to know that I AM POSTING THIS FROM AN ACTUAL TABLE. That's right, Becca and I have a kitchen table now. It's so beautiful. I don't even have words.


Secondly, omg, guys, have you seen the new Sarah Jane Adventures promo pics? THEY'RE ALL GROWED UP! And Anjli looks super hot. Which I can say, cause she's twenty. I looked it up on Wikipedia.


I am on my last day of con crud. I can breathe, my throat and lungs are okay, my ears don't hurt any more. All that's left is that persistant back-of-the-throat-tickle-cough which is annoying as fuck, but I will probably only have to endure it for another day or so. Hurrah!


When you read this you're tagged! Take a picture of you in your current state, no changing your clothes or quickly putting on makeup. NO PHOTOSHOP. Show your friends list the Real You!

Okay, confession time: I actually did this when I first read the meme on momebie's journal yesterday, but I didn't get around to posting it. So this is what I looked like early evening YESTERDAY. Today I am still in my pajamas so far.

I also don't know what's going on with my hair. BUT CHECK OUT OUR AWESOME SHOWER CURTAIN.


But let's be honest, guys. I know why you're all here. You're here because you were following us on Twitter last night and you HAVE to know WHAT THE FUCK we were talking about all night. Allow me to alleviate your burning curiosity.

After our super successful Friday bad movie night, we decided to watch our remaining movies last night. We had Stonehenge Apocalypse starring Misha Collins and Torri Higginson and Spiral by the creators of Frozen, starring that guy from Chuck and Amber Tamblyn. We had most of a bottle of Scotch and a full bottle of wine.

If you told me at the start that Stonehenge Apocalypse was going to be the best movie I watched last night, I'm not sure I would have believed you. But it's true.

Stonehenge Apocolypse is about Misha Collins, who is a crazy man who runs a conspiracy theory radio show in his basement. He's really into this robot on the moon that he swears exists. Anyway, one night, he's all geared up to talk about some stupid thing when a dude with a bad British accent calls him up and informs him that Stonehenge moved. He immediately dismisses it as poppycock and hangs up on the dude, but not even a second later, he has another call from a dude with a bad Scottish accent informing him that, no, Stonehenge TOTALLY MOVED.

Apparently two dudes with bad accents is all it takes to make a believer out of Misha. He checks his two important newssites--Fantom Blogger and Freak Seek--and when they, too, have reported on this, he loads his gear into his minivan and drives to England. On the way, he calls up his Bestie, who is an archeologist at an Egyptian dig in Maine (?). Bestie tells him to go to Stonehenge "while he still can." Misha's like, "Dude, my minivan is halfway there."

Meanwhile, in the South Des Moines Regional High School, Torri Higginson has cause for concern. You can tell that she's concerned because she does these concerned eyebrows. They are pretty much her only expression. Anyway, at first the viewer assumes that her concern is over the fact that she can't seem to decide where her accent is from, but we soon learn that it's because Stonehenge moved and she's a part of a super secret team of scientists investigating it. So is Peter Wingfield, apparently, though he's probably not an actual scientist, given that the scientists are pretty well labeled with white coats and glasses, whereas he's wearing a three-piece suit and acting as English as possible. Also introduced is this movie's Chubs, who is the wacky American one who wears shorts. Or something.

Anyway, Torri and her buds are investigating Stonehenge when Misha takes a black cab right up to the army roadblock and then dashes out and into the woods without paying. I guess he thought his minivan would be too conspicuous. Anyway, despite the cab and the dashing, the army doesn't seem to notice him, giving him ample time to sneak through the woods and approach Stonehenge with his minitaperecorder and his EM field measuring thingy. Through his EM field measuring thingy, he realizes what the entire team of scientists investigating Stonehenge do not--and I'm still not clear on what that is. But it leads to Stonehenge exploding or something, and by running at them like a crazy person, it gives Torri and her friends enough time to get out of the way. (Except one guy, but he really did have plenty of time, he just dawdled. His death is never mentioned again, so I imagine that Torri and her crew agreed that he was kind of dead weight to start with.)

They take Misha back to the high school, where he's put in jail.

Kait: "So, wait, that's jail? The other side of a security door at the mall?"
Becca: "Welcome to England."

Peter Wingfield and Chubs and Torri discover that, when Stonehenge did it's explodey thing, an ancient Mayan pyramid in Central American turned into a volcano (?), killing a gazillion people. They spend some time musing over whether the two events could be connected. Misha, meanwhile, is bothering the army dudes about how he totes needs to talk to Torri because he has all the answers. When the army guys mention to this to Torri, Chubs, and Peter Wingfield, Chubs has an immediate hard-on for Misha. Apparently, before he was a creepy basement dwelling conspiracy theorist, Misha was the youngest astrophysics PhD to ever did something important. Chubs starts writing his and Misha's name inside little hearts and Torri deigns to speak with him.

The Army dudes pull Misha into the interrogation room, which is actually the high school gym with worse lighting. After some vague interrogation, Torri has Misha put back into the hallway jail with a handful of other people who are there for seemingly no reason. She does steal his Electromagnetic Field Pyramid Note Map Thing and bring it back to the principal's office control center.

Meanwhile, in Maine, Bestie has opened another secret special Egyptian crypt and is super excited because the existence of this crypt means that the rest of the archeologists will stop making fun of him when he insists there were totally Egyptians in Maine.

Kait: "They're basically uncovering the Mormons of Egypt."

Back at the high school England (?), Stonehenge moves around a bunch again and another ancient pyramid turns into a volcano. This one is in Indonesia and is marked on Misha's map of Pyramids Connected to Stonehenge That Might Blow up. Torri and Peter Wingfield decide to give Misha another chance and bring him out. Chubs basically creams his shorts and then passes out in the presence of Misha and says foreshadowing-y things about how much he admires his Basement Creepster work. Misha insists that pyramids will keep blowing up. Torri points out that he has a pyramid drawn in Maine where she is pretty sure there aren't pyramids and Misha forshadowingly says, "MAYBE THEY JUST HAVEN'T FOUND IT YET."

Peter Wingfield is like, "This dude is NUTS, send him back to the cafeteria hallway!" but Torri actually believes him, so she gets some general to help smuggle him out so they can go to America and steal something from a museum. Apparently this is the point where MIsha's like, "No, seriously, there's this rock that looks like the X-Men symbol and it is the key to stopping all these volcanos and Stonehenge from blowing up." Peter Wingfield thought that was bull, but Torri is a softer touch. She, Misha, and GeneralDude escape to the US, where some museum guy lets them into the museum. Instead of taking the rock key, though, they stand and stare at it, ignoring the way I yell "SMASH AND GRAB! SMASH AND GRAB!" from behind the fourth wall. Just when Misha is beginning to consider smashing and grabbing, the lights go out and army guys show up! But they're bad army guys! You can tell cause they're waring black!

Misha FINALLY smashes and grabs and runs out to the hallway with Torri. They make it outside and, in the absence of minivans, he tells Torri to hide in a bread truck. Then he takes the priceless artifact and runs back TOWARDS the bad guys. Inside, GeneralDude is dead, and Misha finds himself face to face with...BESTIE.

"Bestie, how could you?" Misha calls out. Or something like that. Looks, the air is ripe with betrayal, that's all you need to know. Bestie tells Misha that he's discovered a secret pyramid in Maine for the believers. Stonehenge is, apparently, a terraforming device that's going to annahilate everyone on the planet except for the believers in the pyramid, unless Misha can get the key to stop it. But now Bestie has the key. And also a pot. Which he smashes over Misha's head.

Misha wakes up hours later, stunned by Bestie's betrayal. He runs outside and finds Torri and tells her he knows that Bestie has taken the key to the secret Maine pyramid. They get some more army dudes and drive over that way. Even though this giant ass pyramid has apparently sprung up out of the ground from nothing, the best way to find it is to use Misha's crappy little EM detector and drive around the roads of Maine until something happens.

Meanwhile, the Egyptian pyramids (like, the actualfax ones in actualfax Egypt, not the Mormon!Egypt pyramid in Maine) have also turned into volcanos and Peter Wingfield decides the only solution is to nuke Stonehenge. He tells Torri and Misha and Misha flips the fuck out, because apparently if you nuke Stonehenge, the whole world will blow up and any idiot could see that. Peter Wingfield admits that now that he's stopped to think about it for two seconds, this appears to be true. ArmyGuy, however, says that it's too late to back out. They have no other options, so unless Misha can bring the key back in ten hours, they're nuking the shit out of it anyway.

(Aside: Every time Stonehenge moves before a pyramid turns into a volcano (?), they show this CGI sequence with the grass being torn up. Except the grass around Stonehenge has already been torn the fuck up every OTHER time it moved in the movie. Cue Becca's impersonation of the 800 year old Stonehenge Groundskeeper who stalks out each time and reseeds while ranting. "Fuckin A! These kids comin round, drinking and rippin up the fuckin grass!")

(Also, I forgot this golden bit as ArmyDude is driving Torri and Misha to America:
ArmyDude: "Well, I'm no muckety-muck scientist..."
Kait: "Did that guy really just say--?"
Becca: "Yes. Yes he did. I'm putting it on a t-shirt.")

Back to the story. Misha and Torri find the secret Maine pyramid and rush inside, elbowing past Bestie's cult. It seems Bestie has stolen the key and run off! Misha and Torri give chase, using Misha's magic EM Field Reader Thing, and confront him in the woods. Bestie shoots at Torri, injuring her arm. Misha feels terribly, because apparently there was supposed to be some sort of romantic tension between the two of them. He approaches Bestie slowly, hands raised, and tells him the only thing we know for sure:

"The only thing we know for sure is that Stonehenge is a terraforming device left behind by beings from another time."


At some point, while we're still laughing over this, Misha shoots Bestie and gets the key. He has mere hours to get back to Stonehenge, so he revs up his minivan for the trip, after making sure that Torri is in the hospital. Back at Stonehenge High, the ArmyDudes are evacuating the area so they can nuke Stonehenge. Misha tells Peter Wingfield that someone working for him is a mole, and there's a foreshadowing-y close-up on Chubs. The ArmyDudes say they need to nuke the shit out of Stonehenge. Misha has mere hours to arrive and use the key or else they'll go through with it.

This is the point where Chubs reveals that he's the mole. He shoots Peter Wingfield and the lady scientist they're traveling with, proclaiming that he totes wanted to be a part of Bestie's cult and he still thinks the annihilation of the entire planet is for the best, even if he's not in the magical Maine pyramid to be saved. He tells them he's going to kill Misha to stop him from saving the world.

Chubs: "I will kill Jacob Glaser when he arrives."
Becca: "Even though I love him."
Kait: "He will be my soulwife in heaven."

Misha arrives at Stonehenge Regional High School and just as Chubs is about to kill him, Peter Wingfield runs out of the building, not quite dead, yelling, "HE'S GOING TO KILL YOU!" In my head, "Princes of the Universe" plays in the background.

Misha hops in his jeep/golfcart (I guess he left the minivan in Maine) and Chubs gets in another one to give chase. They make it all the way to Stonehenge before the EM Whatever makes their jeeps stop working, at which point Misha runs on foot. Chubs shoots him in the calf, but that's not enough to stop Misha! Meanwhile, the ArmyDudes are launching the nuke. As Misha and Chubs grapple for the key, the nuke approaches... then Misha gets the key! He puts it in place! An energy beam shoots out, destroying the nuke harmlessly! Everything fades to white!

Cut to Torri's hospital room. She's reading like, eighteen newspapers. In one, she finds an article about Misha that maybe implies that he died? It's not immediately apparent, but I guess he did, because the last scene is Torri taking over Misha's Creeper Basement Talk Show.

Kait: "Misha Collins and Chubs both died."
Becca: "Oh. That's really sad, actually. At least they died together."

Guys. It was the best movie we've watched in the past two days (Not counting PAQs about Time Travel). There are so many unanswered questions! Why is their military/scientific base in a high school? Is it really because they spent their $45 set budget on getting Misha Collins and Peoria South Regional High was the only place they were allowed to shoot, as long as they didn't mess up any of the art hanging on the walls and had the place back and in good condition by school on Monday? How did NO OTHER SCIENTIST IN THE WORLD figure out Misha's Pyramid Map Thingy? What accent was Torri aiming for when she bothered to have an accent? What's the only thing we know for sure?

Oh, wait, the movie totally answered that last one.


Anyway, I'm taking a break to beta a story for solsticezero and then do the dishes, but later on I'll be back to talk about the next two movies we watched. You'll want to stick around for those two.

Or not. Not at all.

my arch-nemesis john barrowman, quotes, cardigan central, sja, movies, bad movie weekend, scifi saturday

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