Spoiler Alert: Tim DeKay was Barrowman.

Sep 11, 2010 12:25

Yesterday was a bit of an odd duck. I woke up feeling the kind of silly, second-hand happiness that you feel when your friends tell you something really sweet and awesome just before bed. A few hours later, that was tempered by some incredibly devastating news from someone else. The entire time, I was hacking up a lung. The whole day was kind of ( Read more... )

my arch-nemesis john barrowman, quotes, cardigan central, movies, our pal adam green, bad movie weekend, scifi saturday

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Comments 3

mcwonthelottery September 11 2010, 16:47:05 UTC
In the sequel, That Guy isn't the serial killer; the guy who rescues Not!You from the side of the road is! I know it was probably totes confusing because I pointed at the screen and went, "THAT GUY IS THE SERIAL KILLER IN THE SEQUEL!"

Tonight's round of bad movies are going to be epic. Oh man.


blue_fjords September 11 2010, 20:36:43 UTC
Misha Fucking Collins rocks out in Stonehenge Apocalypse. Or not, the movie sucks, but he looks great sucking. Um. Also, there's some dude that you can't tell until the end of the movie that he's dressed as a British school boy. IDEK. You will enjoy this movie. I hearted it. I heart Misha. Misha wears his own clothes in the movie. And he gets a great tagline.


suchthefangirl September 15 2010, 18:07:07 UTC
Thank you for this. Following along (sort of, only reading yours) on Twitter was not good enough. I needed this whole description (140characters are never enough).

I would likely hate all of the movies you are watching. But I love reading your descriptions of them. You make me wish I was there watching and suffering along with you through them. This made me very happy (laughed hard enough to have tears streaming down my eyes).


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