better + music meme

Jul 15, 2010 21:34

So, today was better. I woke up feeling wonky, but wanted to go to work anyway because I am poor and moving in three weeks and don't have any sick time. I could tell my parents thought this was a bad idea, but, to their credit, they didn't stop me and it ended up being an okay day. I was only running at half speed, so it was good that it was slow. ( Read more... )

paul simon, sick, meme, music, dar williams, mighty kate

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Comments 22

solsticezero July 16 2010, 01:43:03 UTC
I am obviously very pleased that you are feeling better.

Letter? Eh? Eh?


I've never listened to the entire original song, because I have listened to this cover by Nataly Dawn so many times on repeat that it doesn't compare.


pocky_slash July 16 2010, 01:50:01 UTC
YouTube embeds are not working for me today! I do not know why D:

Also, oh man, HOW EVEN DOES STEPHIN MERRITT WRITE SONGS? I love it so much, omg.

Um, anyway, I'm giving you the letter "A" because of your fake Canadianism up there.

Also, I'm going to e-mail you momentarily! Like magic!


solsticezero July 16 2010, 01:55:12 UTC

Make fake Candianism thanks you and awaits your email.


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pocky_slash July 16 2010, 01:50:16 UTC
Thanks :D

Your letter is "T!"


likeadeuce July 16 2010, 01:50:51 UTC
I love your songs!

I also have this whole thing where I think "Boy in the Bubble" is about Cable & Deadpool (it totally fits).

Feel better!


pocky_slash July 16 2010, 04:31:02 UTC
Knowing what I know about Cable and Deadpool (which isn't much, mind), I TOTALLY BUY THAT.


likeadeuce July 16 2010, 04:34:52 UTC
There are levels of generality to understanding Cable and Deadpool. There is the "He's a messianic cyborg supersoldier, he's a foulmouthed homocidal idiot and they're IN LOVE!" level and . . .there's the rabbit hole of bizarre 90s comics that nobody wants to fall down. So stick to the first level and it totally makes sense. (Obvs, Cable is the boy in the bubble and Deadpool is the baby with the baboon heart.)

Also, why aren't there a million vids to this song for every sci fi fandom? Discuss!


pocky_slash July 16 2010, 04:42:02 UTC
There is an ABSURDLY awesome Star Wars vid to it that I love with all my heart, but that is, tragically, the only one I can think of. SO MUCH MISSED POTENTIAL.


leiascully July 16 2010, 02:03:55 UTC
I can only drink Gatorade highly diluted! I use about a third as much of the mix as they suggest. I feel your pain. But I am glad you are feeling better some!

I took the Kate song, because I don't have it. All I do have is Take It Slow, Beautiful, Not My Home, As She Stands, My Favorite Place, Mountains, Someday, Everything Happens, LUJY, Questions, Over and Over, and a couple of songs she did with Scott.


pocky_slash July 16 2010, 04:40:45 UTC
My dad bought some bottled stuff for me, but I ended up watering that down, too. At least it wasn't blue. I hate blue.

I will totes have to hook you up with some more stuff from Katy's new album. STAY TUNED.


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pocky_slash July 16 2010, 04:41:02 UTC
Thanks! And you have have "I."


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