better + music meme

Jul 15, 2010 21:34

So, today was better. I woke up feeling wonky, but wanted to go to work anyway because I am poor and moving in three weeks and don't have any sick time. I could tell my parents thought this was a bad idea, but, to their credit, they didn't stop me and it ended up being an okay day. I was only running at half speed, so it was good that it was slow. Otherwise, I probably would have lost it or passed out.

I managed to drink an entire bottle of gatorade (gross gross gross) and eat some crackers, so that was awesome. Then, when I got home, I even had some applesauce and soup. Those are practically solid foods!

Still a little tired and out of it, but the worst of it is behind me. Hurrah. I hate my body.


dremiel gave me "B" in the music meme. You know how it goes--you comment asking for a letter, I give you a letter and you share five songs that start with that letter.

I did six seven. But two of them are the same song, so they totally don't count. And one of them was an added bonus because of how she worded her comment. So there.

The Magnetic Fields - The Book of Love
(Listen at YouTube)
BONUS: Mike Doughty's cover of this song

I have an unholy love of this song. It is my favorite Magnetic Fields song ever. I love it more than "I Wish I Had An Evil Twin," even, and you guys know how much I love that song. I want it to play at my future hypothetical wedding. Mike Doughty's cover is pretty awesome.

Mighty Kate - Better Days
(Listen at YouTube)

One of my favorite songs off of Mighty Kate's debut album and one of the songs I wrote a story for when we were doing her scrapbook. I think the upload is live and the YouTube is the album version? Or something. BUY HER FUCKING ALBUM, GUYS, SHE'S AWESOME.

The Weepies - A Bird Flies Out
(This one's not up on YouTube. Sorry, guys.)

This is actually a Deb Talan song. Which, you know, being that Deb Talan is half of The Weepies, that's not shocking. Once I listened to this song on repeat for like, two hours. I still don't know why. But I really like it.

Dar Williams - Beautiful Enemy
(Listen at YouTube [Hilariously, this is like, someone's vacation photos? What even.])

You knew there was going to be at least one Dar song on here. IT WAS HARD TO CHOOSE. Beauty of the Rain? The Babysitter's Here? Buzzer? I went with this one because... I don't know. I think it's adorable in its passive-aggressive pettiness and, in my head, this was basically Alan's anthem in the year he and Danny were broken up. (Yes, my original characters have entire soundtracks. Deal with it. I am exactly that nerdy.)

Paul Simon - The Boy in the Bubble
(Listen at YouTube)

Um, this album was the soundtrack of my childhood and is still my favorite album of all time. THE LYRICS IN THIS SONG. WHAT EVEN. Some of them are just so amazing. Staccato signals of constant information / a loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires and baby...

BONUS TRACK: When dremiel gave me a letter she said "you get B for BETTER" so, of course, I immediately thought of this song:
Regina Spektor - Better
(Listen at YouTube)


Anyway, at some point I should write about watching terrible Torchwood fanvids with Harmonyangel, but for now I'm going back to line-editing Club Wales II.

paul simon, sick, meme, music, dar williams, mighty kate

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