i suck at el jay, guys

May 11, 2009 20:41

It's true! I have been way too tired to el jay.

Okay, let's see. Work last week was so horrible I don't want to talk about it. ALREADY MOVING ON. I cried a lot, it was kind of pathetic. Anyway, since then, I have been trying to actually do things!

Friday I met up with moonsheen. We had lunch at Alice's Teacup (on me, for Alex's birthday) and then strolled ( Read more... )

olivia, family stuff, nicole, theatre, katy and scott, alex has a tag, set list, hair

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Comments 2

duckgirlie May 12 2009, 19:33:42 UTC
I love Hair! But it will probably never make it over here in a decent production, dammit. I have to stick with the CDs and the film. THE FILM IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH.


priscellie May 13 2009, 16:20:56 UTC
It was great getting to hang out with you ladies! Thanks for letting me know about the gig.


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