i suck at el jay, guys

May 11, 2009 20:41

It's true! I have been way too tired to el jay.

Okay, let's see. Work last week was so horrible I don't want to talk about it. ALREADY MOVING ON. I cried a lot, it was kind of pathetic. Anyway, since then, I have been trying to actually do things!

Friday I met up with moonsheen. We had lunch at Alice's Teacup (on me, for Alex's birthday) and then strolled up Columbus Avenue to 103rd. We were having dinner with quatredeathlady and killing time. On our stroll, I bought a necklace and Alex bought me a plush of Olivia as the ringmaster in Olivia Saves the Circus! We were in this kids' store and I made some ridiculous noise when I saw Olivia. The woman stocking the shelves said we could have 20% off if we bought her, so Alex bought her for me. Awwwww. She is awesome!

We eventually ended up in some tiny back section of Central Park where we sat around and complained about our exes. (We have both dated some lunatics, so this is a well that never runs dry, for serious.) Nicole called us around six to tell us she was going to be late, so we wandered over to the restaurant to start drinking while waiting for her. She eventually showed up and OH MY GOD, I hadn't seen her in MONTHS. Probably the longest I've gone without seeing her since we were in high school. And like, junior year of high school, at that.

Dinner was good, after which we headed downtown to meet priscellie and see Katy! Priscilla had a lovely vase of flowers that I wound up smelling all night (in a good way) and saved a table for us. It was a pretty small, mellow crowd, but that was kind of nice!

Walk Alone (I think this is the title?)
Better Days
New Song #1 (I have no notes about this song. She said she was doing four new songs.)
Two Apples
New Song #2 (I wrote "This one is awesome.")
New Song #3 ("This one is also awesome. + sad. But awesome.")
True Colors
Sunday (New Song #4) (OH MY GOD YOU GUYS. A++++ WOULD LISTEN AGAIN!)

After the gig, we went to suger Sweet Sunshine for the best cupcakes in Manhattan. We chitchatted for a little while and eventually went our separate ways. (Well, Nicole came back to Port Authority with me to kill time before my bus.)


Saturday I... don't think I did anything. Oh, I went to the mall and didn't fit into any clothes. Sigh. Stupid boobs. Then we had Mother's Day dinner at some ridiculously overpriced place in Boonton. I came home and had too much caffeine and stayed up all night reading old Penny Arcade strips.


YESTERDAY (aka Sunday) I saw Hair with my parents and their friends. And, oh my god, internet, it was AMAZING.

Normally my theatre reviews are pretty detailed, but I think I'd need to see this show eighty five more times to write about it in that way. There is just so much going on in this show, guys. I don't even know how to describe it! But it was fantastic. Truly.

I sort of grew up with a lot of the music, in a way, because my mother LOVES the music and used to sing it constantly and also make up her own words to the songs. (Um, this is a thing my mom does. She used to dedicate a lot of songs to my cat. Don't ask.) And... my god, these people are SO ENERGETIC. The entire cast just... they never quit! It was amazing. They energized ME sitting up in the balcony!

The cast is just fabulous. Gavin Creel is like something not of this earth, for real, and Will Swenson is... absolutely kinetic. Kacie Sheik is AMAZING when she actually has material to work with. (Ask Me About My Brief Trainwreck Obsession With a Faux-White Supremacist Musical!) Darius Nichols was completely awesome. I am running out of ways to describe this cast besides saying "awesome, awesome, awesome!" over and over again, because they really were.

It's just hard to describe this show! I mean, the set was wonderful, but it's very austere, save for the sun mural painted on the wall. This entire show rests on the cast and the music and it just... blows the doors off the place. It's exciting and heart-wrenching and incredibly topical. I was barely holding back tears by the end, and I actually did cry a little when the audience started streaming on stage to dance, but I cry at the drop of a hat these days.

Still. My god, you guys. Do yourselves a favor and see this show.

I feel like I have so much more to say, but I'm not quite sure how to articulate the experience. I feel like the only way to adequately describe it would be to take you guys there and point at the stage and say, "Yes! This! See?"


Anyway, coming home was less fun. My parents' friend Chris and I took the bus in, but my parents drove (it's a long story) and then drove us all home. In addition to the two of them, Chris, and myself, they took quatredeathlady's mom as well. So, that's five adults crammed into a Prius, bring driven by a guy who likes to go fast and hit potholes. I was so sick by the time we got home that I actually couldn't sleep last night :\


So, that's pretty much it, I guess? I mean, I mostly just go to work, and work is too depressing to talk about. Oh, Keerthi and Alan tied in my Blog Like It Isn't You Day poll, so I think I'm going to do Keerthi. EXECUTIVE DECISION. I might do something with Alan anyway. It's been awhile since he stretched his legs.

This week I am working forever, but Friday saidlian_nataly and I are seeing Happiness and Saturday is the first meeting of my critique group! Eventually I need to clean, as inocciduous is coming the weekend after that and I'm not sure I can see my floor yet.

For now, I'm going to watch last night's In Plain Sight and maybe do something about the fifteen tabs I have open in Firefox.

olivia, family stuff, nicole, theatre, katy and scott, alex has a tag, set list, hair

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