work and writing and teevee and all sorts of things

May 06, 2009 17:13

It's not really that many sorts of things, to be honest.

First of all, like I said in my last entry, May 15th is apparently Blog Like It Isn't You Day. I cannot decide who to blog as! I mean, I could probably do a couple different entries, but I think I'd rather do them all from the same person.

Anyway, clearly the best way to solve this is a poll.

For those who want to do polls but are not familiar with the characters in question and/or people who have forgotten who is who because it's been such a frigging long time since I posted anything, here is a cheat sheet.

Alan Pratchett - Alan is a 39 year old science teacher at a prep school for ridiculously smart kids. His hobbies include anything related to chemistry and astronomy, being obscenely smart, watching terrible horror movies, and mainlining coffee. Saying that he's a little neurotic is putting it lightly, but it's an endearing sort of neurosis, brought on from several traumatic life experiences. He encourages naps.

Danny Stevens - Danny is in his late forties age undisclosed in his mid-forties age undisclosed. He's a corporate vice president for a greeting card company. He makes an absurd amount of money. He enjoys micromanaging, writing, and doting on his husband and daughter. He has seen every episode of every incarnation of every Law and Order, initially unintentionally. He can be smug and vain at times, but he means well and his consideration for others usually wins out.

Felicity Fenchurch - Felicity's in her mid-thirties and about a month away from getting married. It's possibly making her crazy. She would consider eloping if she wasn't afraid her parents and her fiance's parents would kill her. She works in production management at the aforementioned greeting card company, and though it wasn't her first career choice, she's really, really good at it. Outside of work, she enjoys reading, drinking, writing, spending time with her fiance, and spoiling her surrogate daughter.

Keerthi Pratchett - Keerthi is ten years old. She recently moved (against her will) from New York City to California. She hates California. She spends most of her time hanging out with her dads because she doesn't have any actual friends in California yet, where being radically different isn't as in vogue as it was in NYC. The rest of her time is devoted to taking things apart and trying to put them back together, writing epic e-mails to her friends in New York about how much she hates California, and reading anything with words on it.

Poll Blog Like It Isn't You Day


Work was almost as bad today as it was yesterday. AWESOME. I don't really want to talk about it.


Today two exciting things happened to people on my flist!

saidlian_nataly and her fiance Joe are officially domestic partners! Yay!

krabapple passed her driver's test! Yay!

These are exciting things, guys! Much more exciting than my life!


The only teevee shows I am fully caught up on are The Office, My Boys, NCIS, and In Plain Sight. I do not know what these four shows say about me. I am just too tired to watch teevee :\


I am considering doing this 48-hour book challenge. There are a lot of books that I want to read that I haven't had time to look at. This would sort of give me a kickstart. Plus, it's not like I have a social life.


Except that is a lie. Here is what is coming up in my life:
Friday, 5/8 - Katy Gig at The Living Room
Saturday, 5/9 - Some kind of Mother's Day thing
Sunday, 5/10 - Hair with my parents and their friends
Friday, 5/15 - Happiness with Caitlin
Saturday, 5/16 - Critique Group
Saturday, 5/23 - inocciduous maybe visits for the weekend? Hopefully this is still on?
Sunday, 5/31 - My birthday!

In between that, I am working basically every weekday. I AM ALREADY TOO TIRED FOR THIS SOCIAL SCHEDULE, GUYS.


Okay, time to veg out doing nothing because I can't concentrate on words or sounds or anything substantive :\

work: bn, books, writing: felicity, writing: danny, friends, teevee, writing: keerthi, writing: alan

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