interest meme or something

Apr 29, 2009 21:16

Soooo tired. I have a bunch of comments and e-mails that need responses, so if you've sent me an e-mail recently (especially in response to my long RL post from a few days ago), I am working on responding, I promise. In the meantime, here is a meme from scrollgirlI think the gist of this one is that you comment and I pick seven of your interests and then you ( Read more... )

meme, sam/will, teyla, tcr, lorne is my senior prom date, sam carter is quite hot, tds

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Comments 16

yetregressing April 30 2009, 02:38:50 UTC
HEEE. Memes are fun.

*wants interests?* :)

Also, WISHBONE WAS TOTALLY AWESOME. Except the Phantom of the Opera episode, it still terrifies me. Oh well.


pocky_slash April 30 2009, 03:03:23 UTC
accent!michael, sewing duck pillows, the battery's down, loving people i shouldn't, homemade fusion, being a little sisterthing, chosen families


krabapple April 30 2009, 02:51:09 UTC
Oh, you can totally pick seven of my interests! Even if they are pretty boring. :)


krabapple April 30 2009, 02:52:09 UTC
Okay, I also just looked at that Gilmore Girls/cats picture and laughed for about five minutes. XD


pocky_slash April 30 2009, 03:00:25 UTC
Paired with Ethan the Hawk? Yeah, oh man, those were good times! Well, I mean, I was a hot mess, but I had a best friend I loved more than the world and we had a lot of fun. Obsessing about Ethan Hawke. Every day XD


pocky_slash April 30 2009, 02:59:30 UTC
Aw, don't feel bad. Everyone's interests are boring compared to mine, it's cause I have the coolest interests ever.

nineteenth century english novels, clean sheets, hero mythology and archetypes, tami taylor equals awesome, long emails, socialists, whales whales whales!

(Heeeeeee, whales XD)


semplice April 30 2009, 06:28:12 UTC
This is unrelated, but you'll cope. look at the cupcakes Liz and I had the other day! She posted a photo to facebook and naturally I thought of you.


pocky_slash May 1 2009, 01:42:45 UTC
Oooo! Those look awesome! Were they awesome?


semplice May 1 2009, 01:49:01 UTC
The cake part was so-so. Packet mix chocolate with not too much flavour. But the TOP. Oh, the top. Cream (but not real cream. YUMMY CREAM) and marshmallows and little flowers and all kinds of things. That made them delicious.


thingswithwings April 30 2009, 11:37:55 UTC
oh man, Teyla/lesbian(s) is totally my otp as well. AGREED!

PS, did you ever see the cracked out IM conversation that eruthros and I had about Evan Lorne, Tortured Artist? It seems like we are all on the same wavelength! The idea that Ronon forced him to paint that picture is extremely hilarious.


pocky_slash May 1 2009, 01:50:47 UTC
I think I remember reading that when it first happened! And perhaps commenting on it! But perhaps not! FANDOM HIVE MIND.

To give credit where it's due, I think that moonsheen may have been the one to initially come up with the idea. It's hard to tell, though. We so often get ideas simultaneously.

But god, that painting. It is totally the second best painting in the history of SGA, which has given birth to a disproportionate amount of ridiculous paintings, if you think about it.


queenriley April 30 2009, 12:12:55 UTC
You watched Wishbone when you were nine or ten? OMG I FEEL OLD! I watched Wishbone, first run episodes, in HIGH SCHOOL. I was 14 or so when it premiered and I remember watching it on a regular basis right through high school graduation.

Man that was such a good show. I want to see pictures of your stuffed Wishbone! He was one snazzy little guy. :D


that is him in the icon, too! pocky_slash May 1 2009, 02:05:34 UTC
You can't be that much older than me! But yeah, nine or ten, I think?

Okay, I just looked it up on Wiki, and it ran from 95-98, so that sounds about right! I was born in 85 :)

But, man, I read the Wiki article and now I want to watch all the episodes again. Awwww!

Here are some pictures of my Wishbone:

... )


Re: that is him in the icon, too! queenriley May 1 2009, 02:43:28 UTC
Oh my gosh he's so freakin CUTE!

And yeah, if it premiered in 1995, I had the ages right. I was 14. Born in 1981 so about four years older than you. Not too much older now, but old enough to have been your babysitter. :P


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