This entire entry is about "The Shrine."

Aug 25, 2008 01:19

I have to be at The Bookstore in less than six hours. AWESOME. I suck at bedtime D: But I wanted to post this first.

I watched the episode on Friday night and I've read all your reviews, but I haven't had lots of computer time until today!


david hewlett is awesome, mckay/sheppard, my imaginary girlfriend, kate hewlett, fic: sga, sga

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Comments 6

queenriley August 25 2008, 13:17:39 UTC
Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes! Wholeheartedly agree. I keep meaning to put up a more meaningful review than "Oh yeah, this was my good SGA back!" I have lofty plans of multiple viewings with notes and bullet points. Kate was AMAZING! Heart-wrenching. Her reaction more than all the others combined just tore me to pieces. Kate and David acting so beautifully together? Well there isn't much better in this world.

I could take this opportunity to rant on Jennifer and why I didn't like her or her actions in this particular episode (usually I rather enjoy her character, to be honest) but I'll save that for my maybe-possibly-eventually in depth review.

every time they write something that's really heavy on the boys' love for each other, they make sure to insert some random het to make it all betterThis exactly! This has bothered me for quite awhile. Even if you don't look at them with slash goggles (though I don't see how you can't... I mean, it's RIGHT. THERE.), can't they have that deep bonded friendship love for each other ( ... )


pocky_slash August 25 2008, 19:39:20 UTC
I could take this opportunity to rant on Jennifer and why I didn't like her or her actions in this particular episode (usually I rather enjoy her character, to be honest)

See, I just haven't been able to get behind her character. I really, really wanted to, mostly because I love Jewel Staite, but as with Carson, I just couldn't care less. I liked her with Ronon, though. A LOT. I feel like they complimented each other well, and I feel like this thing with Rodney is just... ugh. I also didn't like how she handled everything with Rodney's illness. She barely knows him and she's telling HIS TEAM that they don't know him well enough to make decisions for him. Frustrated the hell out of me.

Re: Hetting up the slash: Exactly! Like, take "Outcast" from last season. The first thirty seconds are John and Rodney DATING, so they make sure to remind us that John was MARRIED TO A WOMAN. And the episode, much like this one, still ends up being so gay you wonder if you've turned on fanfiction by accident.


queenriley August 25 2008, 20:06:08 UTC
I was rather ambivalent to Keller until the flirty with Ronon thing. I kind of liked her in the episode with Teyla and the disappearance of the Athosians. She was whiny and annoying, but she was exactly what I expected. I just didn't much like the fact that she KNEW Rodney was as good as dead, yet refused to let his TEAM, those that have known and loved him for 4+ years each, do what they knew to be right. She didn't even believe them, she just went along thinking she could rub it in if (when, in her mind) it didn't work! WTF??? And him flirting with her? She didn't notice something was WRONG because she didn't want to. She doesn't like Rodney, she likes nice mentally damaged Rodney. *angry face*

The het thing bothers me. Seriously! Outcast is a PERFECT example! I wonder though... do they realize being married to a woman and divorcing her does not, in fact, make one heterosexual? John could have just been severely repressed or using her to give the air of heterosexuality, what with being military and all. :P


(The comment has been removed)

pocky_slash August 25 2008, 19:35:41 UTC
I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN ABOUT NOT BEING ABLE TO STAND IT. I am so in love with all of it that I don't even know what to say or where to start. Seriously, there was so much good in this that I can even sort of overlook the bit at the end that I am going to edit out of my copy of the episode!


inocciduous August 25 2008, 15:25:05 UTC
YUS. I had to avoid the internets ALL WEEKEND cause I didn't get to watch The Shrine until Sunday afternoon but YES YES YES.

Oh, my little heart exploded!! I'm still pretty much incoherent.

(Although, once Kate's name showed up in the credits I thought of you!)

*goes back to watch it AGAIN*


pocky_slash August 25 2008, 19:34:26 UTC
OH YOUR ICON OMG! I just want to cuddle them both!

I had guests on Friday night and I actually made them watch it. I am that crappy of a host! XD


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