I have to be at The Bookstore in less than six hours. AWESOME. I suck at bedtime D: But I wanted to post this first.
I watched the episode on Friday night and I've read all your reviews, but I haven't had lots of computer time until today!
I have a ton of stuff I want to say about the episode proper, and maybe even something that would border on meta if I had the patience for it about how every time they write something that's really heavy on the boys' love for each other, they make sure to insert some random het to make it all better, but just bullet points for now:
ONE. Kate. Oh my god, Kate. What a beautiful, TALENTED woman. When she first went into that room with him... oh my god. I just keep thinking of her saying, "I need to go outside for a minute, but I'll be right back, sweetie" and dying inside. Oh my god, she is amazing. Amazing.
TWO. Someone give David Hewlett a closet full of awards. Please. Now. Alex and I are always talking about how David is MILES better than everyone else on the show, that he's amazing, and it's totally true. Oh my god, guys. Oh my god. This man.
THREE. Shouting John's name. Running through the hall for him. Needing him around. Remembering him when he didn't know anything else. Oh my god, guys. BOYS. BOYS BOYS BOYS.
FOUR. Ronon and Jeannie! Teyla! Ronon and Rodney! TEAM TEAM TEAM TEAM TEAM.
SIX. [shallow] Jeannie in black to go off world? Holy SHIT. Can we please have a million fics where Jeannie works for the SGC or is on Atlantis and is on an off-world team and kicks everyone's ass? HOT. [/shallow]
SEVEN. The whole beginning, with the water and the banter and all of that? Oh my god. LOVE.
EIGHT. I've watched the bit in John's room and on the pier about fifty times. I even wrote fic. STAY TUNED.
NINE. Aside from those thirty seconds at the end, this is in my top five favorite episodes.
TEN. Tomorrow, look for a post on the myriad of reasons that making "You're a good friend, Arthur" the new best line from this show ever in the world ever.
And finally, I wrote fic! It's for
mcsmooch. It takes place during and after "The Shrine," so if you haven't seen the episode DON'T READ IT. Totally spoilery.
Extra Life, McKay/Sheppard, pg, 1730 words, tag for "The Shrine"