i love my friends

Aug 24, 2008 20:48

Mark: hmm. well. friday night was perhaps one of the more...interesting nights of my life
Kait: Oh really?
Mark: ended up crashing at a friend's apartment.... but another of her friends was using her pullout.....and well....he's morbidly obese and the only one who could fit on it. soooo..... my friend, me, annnnd her straight male friend Andy shared the same bed
Mark: by morning me and the guy were wrapped lovingly in each other's arms
Kait: Ooooh my god.
Mark: yeeeah
Mark: he like threw me off him when he woke up....i've never seen someone leave an apartment so fast
Kait: Oooh man.
Mark: yeah
Mark: i've never been so comfy yet uncomfy in my life

Mark: ...... i just realized something......ur totally using this in a fic aint you?
Mark: i take ur silence as an admisssion of guilt
Kait: Hahahaha, no, don't worry.
Kait: Although it's totally been done in a million stories by a million different authors. "There's only one bed" is a trope that has been around since the dawn of time XD
Mark: yeah
Mark: i know
Mark: which makes it all the more sad/amusing for me
Mark: i'm the oldest cliche in the book
Kait: Well, in all those stories, the guys totally get laid in the end, so maybe it will work out well for you!

quotes, mark, friends

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