Six Reasons Why That One Particular Line in "The Shrine" Will Go Down as the Best SGA Quote Ever

Aug 25, 2008 09:38

I'm referring, of course, to, "You're a good friend, Arthur."

6) Because it's one of the best senses of Rodney's sense of humor that we've gotten in 4+ years.

Rodney and John banter and fling sarcasm back and forth, but this is one of the first times (if not THE first time) that we actually hear him tell a joke, say something for the express purpose of making John laugh. It's very sly and very morbid and, of course, funny.

5) Because the essence of it is that John is unforgettable.

The reason Rodney says it in the first place, the reason that John eventually laughs after that one moment of fear, is that he hasn't forgotten John yet. He's forgotten science and he's forgotten the meaning of middle school vocabulary words, but he hasn't forgotten John and he finds the idea of himself forgetting John silly enough that he can turn it into a joke.

4) Because he can actually say it to John, even though he's scared.

He says at the beginning of the scene that he's been hiding it, that he's been losing more and more and trying not to let it show. Only a few minutes prior to the pier, he ran through the city having a meltdown because he was afraid he had completely lost it. He's terrified, but he's comfortable enough with John, he trusts John enough to turn his fear into something to ease John's a little. I don't know if he would have made that joke to anyone else. I don't know if anyone else would have gotten as much relief and joy out of it.

3) Because Rodney isn't far gone enough to lose his sense of humor.

The fact that he still WANTS to tell a joke, even though he's scared and, in his mind, really dying, says a lot about who Rodney is and who he's become. He's all bluster and waving hands when it's a minor injury/crisis, but when it counts, he wants to stay collected, he wants to stay normal and sane.

2) Because it makes John laugh.

Really laugh. Really, truly laugh. He does a spit-take, for crying out loud. When have we ever, ever gotten to experience John like that before? Never.

1) Because it says what Rodney will never actually say.

The first part of the sentence is a set-up for the joke in the name, but the meaning behind it rings true. He says to John, at the pinnacle of his fear and need, "You're a good friend." This is John and Rodney, guys! The last time Rodney was dying he said, "We're good, right?" They would rather be captured and tortured than ever, ever have a discussion about what they are to each other and what they feel for each other. It's something that's understood between them at this point, but here Rodney knows he's done for and he actually goes so far as to say it. He twists it at the last minute, yes, but the words are out there. "You're a good friend." That is momentous for these guys, whose entire relationship hinges on things they never actually verbalize.

I may be a little fixated on that line, guys.

mckay/sheppard, quotes, sga

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