billboards and all manner of things

Nov 15, 2007 00:45

i. billboards

My favourite billboard is gone. And there's a reason it's my favourite, a reason it was my favourite, that maybe won't transfer into text well, but I'll try ( Read more... )

rl, kate hewlett, lesbians are awesome!, theatre, me

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Comments 16

wolfsavard November 15 2007, 06:49:33 UTC
I bawled hysterically when I went to a reading of Human's Anonymous last year. Holy shit, was it really a year ago? Christ, it was. The tree was up in Rockefeller Center...

Ha, anyway, yeah, the play is fantastic which is why we went again two weeks ago. And why I'm going AGAIN on Saturday! Maybe see you there?

Also, YKK needs to advertise? I just always assumed they had a monopoly on zipper making. And really, isn't that just an odd thing to advertise for anyway?

And UConn! I went to UConn!


pocky_slash November 15 2007, 07:28:00 UTC
Oh yeah. It's funny, because my personality really matches Ellen's, for the most part, but when it comes to relationships, I'm much more of a Jenny. And I've been feeling quite like a Jenny lately, and I just... I cried and cried and cried and felt like such a tool because I was at a play alone and bawling my eyes out XD ( ... )


wolfsavard November 15 2007, 07:35:09 UTC
Haha, oh it is definitely the middle of nowhere. I had a friend from Ohio come to visit me once and he had this idea that like all of Connecticut was pretty much NYC or a suburb of it. I'm like, "Uh want to go cow tipping? My school is on a FARM."

I have an enormously large black purse. And I will be wearing a grey dress and tights with a green sweater and I will be with three blonds. And we will probably sit front row center because we are geeks. :D


semplice November 15 2007, 07:40:25 UTC
I'm always online. Actually, I'm not. But I can be. Though you made your post awhile ago, so.


pocky_slash November 15 2007, 07:42:00 UTC
I'm still awake and I will be for about twenty more minutes.

It's mostly just me bitching, really, and all of it is probably stupid.


semplice November 15 2007, 07:44:22 UTC
I'll sign on now. Wait, you have a new SN don't you? That I totally forgot to add?

Stupid bitching makes the world go round!


poeticpathetic November 15 2007, 07:44:56 UTC
Wow. I had no idea I'd run across this today. But I'm glad I did.

I just wanted to say that I really owe you a lot of thanks, even if we don't speak much anymore, and even if our pseudo-relationship was doomed for failure from the start. You were an incredibly instrumental person in terms of my own coming out process, and if it wasn't for you, I definitely wouldn't be at the point I am now.

So thanks. For you know. Dealing with me at fifteen.


pocky_slash November 15 2007, 15:19:27 UTC
No need to thank me ♥ And I'm honored you would say that. You're actually one of the only of my exes that I still talk to, mostly because you're not, you know, batshit insane, and in the scheme of things, our little relationship seven years ago was generally sweet and normal compared to some of the shit I got myself into later, and I'm glad for that. I think that if Alison had been my first girlfriend, I would have become a nun. XD

So, yes, thank you as well, and I'm glad your life is going well ♥


poeticpathetic November 15 2007, 18:19:43 UTC
Dear lord, I remember when you and Alison were together, only vaguely, and at the time I remember being like -- what has Kait gotten herself into?

I have tried very hard over the years to not be batshit insane, TYVM. And! I know that you're on greatestjournal, which is sort've where I've moved my internet life to, so if you ever want to catch up, all of my stuff is now at the journal ~bandeapart over on that server.

Enjoy your Thursday!


omgimnaked November 15 2007, 14:10:49 UTC
You know, that sort of reminds me of my first girlcrush (who is and was at the time my best friend). I'm 3 years younger, but I had figured myself out and admitted it fully when she was still struggling with her sexuality.

I say admitted it fully, but I mean *to myself* because I just actually got it all out within the last 2 years (since I've been with my girlfriend and it became sort of hard to hide).

But I mean, I never felt an internal struggle like it seems a lot of people do. Other people felt that way and so did I and that made it okay to me, maybe. *shrug*

And that was awfully rambly...


pocky_slash November 15 2007, 15:21:16 UTC
I guess some people are just more gay than others XD Or, at least, more open to that part of themselves, or something.


inocciduous November 15 2007, 15:28:23 UTC
Well, this is 10 hours later, so I'm pretty useless now, but for future reference - I'm always online and always willing to talk. :) I specialize in whining and complaining. Do you have my aim?

I wish I could come see fabulous concerts and plays with you, but alas, I don't think skipping school to drive and see you would be okay with my parents lol. :)


pocky_slash November 16 2007, 06:07:27 UTC
I don't think I have your AIM! What is it? (or you could just IM me some time: magical is art)

I am so totally cooler than school. SO IS KATE HEWLETT. And this play in general. And... yeah. ♥


inocciduous November 16 2007, 17:34:25 UTC
jennerbbenner :)

I'm basically attached to my computer when I'm not at school or doing school-like things. It's pretty awesome. :D

I hope your crappy hotel isn't too skeevy!


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