day ten - eating ice cream

Feb 10, 2013 21:26

So, I wrote this instead of working on the fic where Charles is the best stepdad ever. I'm sleepy.


eating ice cream (~400)


"My daughter has run away again," Erik says when he strides into the kitchen.

"Good afternoon, Erik," Charles says. He holds up an ice cream scooper. "Would you like chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla?"

"Did you hear me?" Erik says again, and Charles thinks he'd look fearsome if it wasn't for the ridiculous costume and helmet. "My daughter ran away again. Here, Pietro tells me."

"Yes, well," Charles says. "Most parents would call it more of a playdate, but we can go with running away if you'd like."

Erik looks around the room, glaring at the pantry and the pots when it's clear there's no one else around at which to direct his ire. Charles smiles and scoops himself a bowl of strawberry ice cream.

"I don't like them coming here," Erik says, but Charles is pleased that his tone holds only the annoyance that means he's irate at being undermined, not the steel of their own issues that sometimes bleeds into Erik's interactions with his children.

"It's Jean's birthday," Charles says. "We're having an ice cream party and Wanda is Jean's very best friend, apparently. We couldn't very well leave her out."

Erik crosses his arms and grunts. Charles smiles and eats a spoon of ice cream, smirking around the spoon as Erik's attention flickers back to him. He sucks the last of the ice cream off the spoon for good measure before dropping it back into the bowl.

"Are you sure you won't have any ice cream while you wait?" Charles asks.

"I'm not waiting," Erik says. "I'm taking Wanda and we're going home."

Charles puts another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. Erik glares at him outright.

"I simply can't allow that," he says once he's swallowed. "It would ruin Jean's party. You must stay until they're done."

Charles knows, by now, exactly how long Erik hesitates when he wants to see like he's considering a decision that he's actually already made. He can practically countdown to Erik's heavy sigh and the sound of a chair pulling out from the kitchen table.

Erik sits across from him, still looking mutinous, but he says, "Vanilla, then."

Charles beams.

"You know," he says as he scoops, "you really won't be able to eat it properly in that helmet."

He smiles hopefully as he passes Erik a bowl. Erik takes the ice cream with one hand and removes his helmet with the other.

"Don't look so smug, Xavier," Erik says. "You haven't won anything."

"Eat your ice cream, Erik," Charles says.


the rest of the days:
1. Holding hands
2. Cuddling somewhere
3. Gaming/watching a movie
4. On a date
5. Kissing
6. Wearing each others’ clothes
7. Shopping
8. Hanging out with friends
9. Making out
10. Eating icecream
11. In a different clothing style
12. During their morning ritual(s)
13. Spooning
14. Doing something together
15. In formal wear
16. Dancing
17. Cooking/baking
18. In battle, side-by-side
19. Arguing
20. Making up afterwards
21. Getting married
22. On one of their birthdays
23. Doing something ridiculous
24. Doing something sweet
25. Doing something hot

charles/erik, 25 days of otp, fic: 2013, fic: xmfc

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