day five - kissing

Feb 05, 2013 21:46

I'm sleepy. ::tired t-rex arms::

This is part of the college AU I still haven't written. Sorry, pearl_o


kissing (~650 words)


Charles wakes when Erik sits up, jostling the blankets just enough to let in the cold air.

"Stop that," Charles murmurs, blindly seeking out Erik's arm to pull him back under the covers.

"Hold on," Erik says, and then a moment later he's bundled down next to Charles again. "I just want to check--yes!"

Charles cracks an eye open and rolls onto his other side so he's facing Erik, who's holding his phone and looks sleepy but pleased.

"Classes are cancelled," he says. "All day."

"Wonderful," Charles says, and closes his eyes again. No reason to get up for his 10:30, then.

"A whole day off," Erik says. "And I don't even have to work."

"Lovely," Charles says, eyes still closed.

"You know how we should use this time?" Erik asks.

"Sleeping?" Charles suggests. He shivers and opens his eyes again when Erik shifts and the blankets shift with him, once again sucking in the frigid air of the bedroom.

"No," Erik says slowly, as if Charles is exceedingly stupid. Before Charles can tell him sleeping is the correct answer and remind him that they didn't get in until nearly two and then they spent another hour making out before they actually, properly settled in to bed, Erik rolls over until he's on top of Charles, neatly pinning him to the extra long twin bed. The blankets are still gathered around them, the air warm and heavy from their bodies and breath.

This close, Erik looks happy and it's sobering. Charles swallows, even as Erik makes his intentions clear and leans closer for a kiss.

Erik likes to pretend he's sloppy and lazy and careless. Not to fit in, Charles thinks, but because if he can convince himself he doesn't care, he might be able to convince himself he can't get hurt. Sometimes Charles wants to find whoever did this to Erik and yell at them, but most days he's content to slowly chisel away at Erik's defenses instead.

That's all to say, if Erik truly was sloppy and lazy and careless, it would be evident in the way he kissed. It's not. Erik's kissing is precise and fastidious and scorching. Erik kisses Charles like Charles is a problem that needs solving and the direct and obvious intent does things to Charles. He makes a high, rough sound in the back of his throat as Erik pushes him down into the mattress and kisses him breathless, literally kisses him until Charles can't do more than pant short, shallow bursts of air that leave him lightheaded.

Erik's lips are hot against his, hotter than anything else in their rapidly warming tangle of blankets, except maybe for the absent brush of Erik's cock on his thigh, but Charles is doing his best to put that out of his head--Erik doesn't want that, not yet. He's not ready for it, even if Charles is sure he must be as horny and miserable as Charles is himself. Instead, he focuses on Erik's mouth and the way it slides against his own, the way Erik bites at his lips and rubs his nose against the very faint stubble that's making itself known on Charles' face. He presses up against Erik and kisses him once and again and again, sliding his fingers into Erik's hair and pulling him down for each kiss, licking at Erik's lower lip until he opens his mouth and pants against Charles, melting into him as if he never wants them to part.

Charles closes his eyes again and lets Erik kiss him, lets him suck on his lower lip until it's slick and red and sensitive, lets Erik keep kissing him over and over until he loses track of time and place and imagines that this is their world--the warm, humid cocoon of blankets, the silence of an early morning snowfall, and Erik's mouth hot against his own.


the rest of the days:
1. Holding hands
2. Cuddling somewhere
3. Gaming/watching a movie
4. On a date
5. Kissing
6. Wearing each others’ clothes
7. Shopping
8. Hanging out with friends
9. Making out
10. Eating icecream
11. In a different clothing style
12. During their morning ritual(s)
13. Spooning
14. Doing something together
15. In formal wear
16. Dancing
17. Cooking/baking
18. In battle, side-by-side
19. Arguing
20. Making up afterwards
21. Getting married
22. On one of their birthdays
23. Doing something ridiculous
24. Doing something sweet
25. Doing something hot

charles/erik, 25 days of otp, fic: 2013, college au, fic: xmfc

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