Not My Fandom Fest - Recap! + Friending meme!

Oct 18, 2010 23:25

Well, the first ever NOT MY FANDOM FEST has officially come to a close!

Thanks so much to everyone who participated. This spiraled wildly out of my control very quickly--when I set it up, I knew I would be busy this weekend, but I assumed that there would only be a passing interest from people who were NOT mcwonthelottery and myself. Boy, was I wrong! There are over 1300 comments over on the fest. THIRTEEN HUNDRED. WHAT. EVEN.

This was a ridiculous amount of fun and incredibly easy to run, thanks entirely to how chill and understanding everyone was. If you guys hadn't been so nice, I probably would have called the whole thing off the moment I got stuck in traffic in CT on my epic journey on Friday evening. There is definitely the chance of doing this again in the future, and mcwonthelottery and metonymy are already suggesting a crossover challenge in this vein in the near future, so watch this space :)

The comments on the main fest post will remain open, so you can continue to direct people there to read your ficlets. (And I totally recommend you do that! There is some funny shit posted there, guys.) For an alphabetical list of fandom for easier browsing, click here.


On the very first day, lefaym suggested a friending meme! I don't know if she's still game, but I am offering you that chance here! Please feel free to use the comments to post your info and scout out other people from the fest! Because this is my journal and not a community or anything (and a surprising number of people who participated had absolutely nothing to do with me!), I'm not sure if everyone will see it/know that it is here, but feel free to direct others to this post. Anyone can participate, whether you wrote, commented, or just read the fest :)

Here's some of that info that people always ask for with these things:

Name/LJ Name/Whatev:
NOT my fandom (but I am interested in knowing more about):
ACTUALLY my fandom (so I can provide information about):
Interests that have nothing to do with fandom:
The biggest misconception I had about something that's NOT my fandom:

Have at it, guys! And thank you SO MUCH, again, for playing along and indulging me. This fest was a hoot!

not my fandom fest

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