The Not My Fandom Fic Fest is coming to an el jay near you! Mainly this one.

Oct 11, 2010 22:17

So, mcwonthelottery is writing an epic SPN fic. I don't watch SPN, but now that Becca and quatredeathlady do, I find myself absorbing epic amounts of random tidbits about the fandom and characters and plots. And because I cam getting my information from those two, my views are a bit skewed. I've always joked that I want to get drunk and write a SPN fic, just to see what would happen.

When I wrote text!SPN!fic for Becca, she decided we should have a fest where people try to write ficlets (like, comment-fic-sized) for fandoms they aren't personally in, but have absorbed information about via fannish osmosis. I agreed, obviously, and here we are.

It comes up all the time with my friends--harmonyangel has only seen a couple episodes of Doctor Who at Fangirl Dinner Party!, but I bet she knows enough to cobble together a ficlet. Similarly, quatredeathlady knows Torchwood from being my cousin, but only my perspective, so in her mind, it's an epic story about the deep friendship between Gwen and Ianto.

Do you see how this has the potential to be hilarious?

It could go one of two ways: You could write something ridiculous based entirely on tropes and the ridic over-reactions of fandom. (ie: "Sam? You came back from Hell and didn't tell me? Well, I'm just going to stand over here and be passive-aggressive and super hurt, but not say anything because I internalize all my manpain," said Dean. "That's okay," said Sam. "I'm going to be PTSDing all over the place because Hell done fucked me up good, so I probably won't notice.") Or, you could legit try and write a story based on your vague knowledge of a particular fandom. Either way is a winner, in our books.

So, the actual fest will be later this week (maybe starting Wednesday or Thursday?). I am thinking, format!wise, it will be set up similar to a kinkmeme--there will be comments with the name of fandoms and their Better Than It Sounds summaries, and people can reply with random ficlets, based on the knowledge they've gleaned from fandom in general. People can also leave specific prompts, maybe. We're still ironing that part out.

What I need from you folks is fandoms you want to include. What fandoms are you not actually in, personally, but do you feel you have a weird grasp on thanks to your flist? What fandoms that you're not actually in are you itching to write for? Or do you just think we're crazy? (That's acceptable and, in fact, expected, as well.)

Battlestar Galactica
Being Human
Criminal Minds
DC Comics
Doctor Who
Dragonball Z
due South
Figure Skating RPS
Grey's Anatomy
Harry Potter
Mad Men
Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Marvel Comics
Power Rangers
Stargate Atlantis
Stargate Universe
Star Trek (reboot)
Star Wars
True Blood
Vampire Diaries
White Collar

not my fandom fest

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