With roughly six weeks until the chosen date, I suppose it's time to divulge the main details of FANGIRL TEA PARTY!
For those of you new to
pocky_slash or who just keep their heads in the sand, FANGIRL TEA PARTY! (and yes, it must be expressed in allcaps with an exclamation point) is the second in a series of fangirl oriented parties I've decided to start hosting. The first, FANGIRL DINNER PARTY!, was held in December, and everyone had an awesome time.
It's pretty much exactly what it sounds like: a gathering a fangirls surrounding the consumption of food and media. We'll meet at my house in NYC-metro suburban NJ for tea, sandwiches, and dessert around 2pm. After we've eaten, everyone will write episodes from their various teevee shows on slips of paper and we'll put them into a hat and watch whatever we pull out.
There will be drinks, three different types of tea, cupcakes, sandwiches, scones, and great conversation. There will probably be squeeing, chest clutching, sarcastic comments, and hilarity. A GOOD TIME WILL BE HAD BY ALL.
FANGIRL TEA PARTY! will be held on Saturday, April 10th, at 2pm. It will end... probably sometime Sunday morning. People are more than welcome to spend the night--I have plenty of bed space.
If you are interested in attending and would like an invitation (requesting an invitation does NOT mean you have to attend! You can decide later!) please comment on this post with your mailing address and your e-mail address. Yes, even if you think I already have it. Yes, even if I go to your house on a regular basis. Yes, even if you are my cousin. Comments are screened. I'm serious when I say that everyone is invited.
I've got some cool ideas for this time around--some ridic fandom games and some more treats to bring home. I think it will be fun times, and I hope you think so too!
(PS: If you are one of the local friends that I hang out with regularly, expect an e-mail with this exact same information to be in your inbox shortly.)