anyone out there?

Mar 02, 2010 12:39

pocky_slash: Why do people stalk me?
pocky_slash: I mean, obviously, I am awesome. But, seriously, I am super boring.
mcwonthelottery: because you talk a lot
pocky_slash: That is true.

I know that Lurker Whatever Day (I was going to call it "Lurker Amnesty Day," but I think I got it mixed up with WIP Amnesty Day) was a couple of weeks ago (or whatever. I feel like there's no real date for this shit, someone just starts the meme and everyone follows it.), but it recently came to my attention that there are a bunch of people following my el jay in a lurker-esque capacity.

This revelation has me insanely curious because... guys, I am pretty boring. Like, all I talk about is the Bookstore and now cardigans. (And NO ONE wants to hear about cardigans all day. Becca and I realize this and apologize.) And, honestly, aside from cardigans, I don't talk about Fandom overmuch? Otherwise it would really just be me being like, "omg, Ianto and Gwen are BFF4EVA!!!" nine hundred times and also a lengthy essay on how hard I would fuck Ianto Jones. (And, of course, the occasional meanderings back to John Sheppard's pony, Sam and Will's epic love in Iowa, and Peter Burke as The Doctor.)

And seriously, no one should be afraid to friend! It's cool! I really don't mind! I friend almost everyone back, unless I a) get distracted or b) your journal looks like it's just a watching journal. I am totally approachable because in real life, I am just a socially maladjusted nerd. You can ask anyone!

So, anyone out there lurking? IT'S TOTALLY COOL TO SAY HELLO. I am all about having conversation with strangers. Also anyone who is not lurking, but is new. Or anybody old. Whatever, dudes, I don't have to be at work until six and I am off all day tomorrow.

let's chat!

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