[Drabble] Yamamoto Ryouta Birthday drabble post pt.1

Dec 19, 2012 10:01

So this is so late, but when Yamaryo's birthday happened, I took it upon myself to write a drabble for every year, using prompts given to me by t-list. I quickly discovered that this was a ridiculous thing to do to myself and didn't manage to get it done in time. BUT! For yararanger, I decided to stick it out and write them anyway, even if they weren't on time.

New problem? Getting lost in all the words /o\ So I'm posting them in batches. This can basically be summed up in 'And Rin ships Yamaryo with lots of people but mostly Yara' or 'And Rin writes too many AUs' because all but one of this set is an AU and I think over half of them are YaraRyo? 8D;; Anyway. Title is prompt. HAPPY BIRTHDAY (very late and still incomplete) Yamamoto Ryouta ♥ You are my favorite kitten.

a lost bag → Yara/Yamamoto, Cops and Robbers!AU (Crime!AU? lol, Yamaryo's an undercover cop going after a gang, Yara's the masterthief who's figured out the game and is playing both sides at the moment.) Note: 'Humped' is slang stolen from 'Firefly', meaning something like 'Oh shit, I'm fucked'.

“I’m dead,” Yamamoto wheezed, trying to control his panic as he searched the dingy room again. “Oh god, Eda, I’m so dead.”

“Breathe,” Eda’s voice commanded over their wire. “You gotta breathe or you really will be dead. What’s going on.”

“I’ve been humped,” Yamamoto said, dropping to his knees to see if the floorboards would yield any secrets the second time. “I’ve been so fucking humped, the package isn’t here.” He knew the panic was seeping into his voice as he spoke and into his actions as he scrabbled around. There was no reason for the bag to not be there, everything had fallen in perfectly for the pick-up and yet…

And yet, now that he thought about it, with fear instead of relief at something going right for once, it had been too easy. Just a bit too perfect.

“Looking for this?”

The noise that Yamamoto made as he whipped around was humiliating, but he didn’t think he’d have much of a chance to dwell on that. It was a voice he knew far, far too well. Though he had never met the man face to face, Yamamoto had done his homework and if Yara had taken the time to drop in on him...

He really was humped.

“Yamamoto? Ryouta!” Eda’s voice was overloud in his ear, but Yamamoto couldn’t hear him properly anymore. “Dammit, what happened?”

Yara smiled, smug and casual as he held up the small tote, innocuous in how vital it was to Yamamoto keeping his cover and staying alive.

“I could give this,” Yara said, swinging the bag around on one finger. “But it’s going to have a couple conditions attached, kitten.”

With that, he swung the bag over his shoulder, sauntering out of the grimy room, not even glancing back at Yamamoto to see if he was following.

Yamamoto debated for a moment or two before tugging the wire out of his ear. Regretfully stepping on it, he headed after Yara, into the biting cold air and his new, unknown fate.

Tokyo Disney → Yara/Yamamoto

“The ears are pretty cute,” Yara agreed, and Yamamoto just beamed at him. It didn’t matter that they had a bow, showing them to be Minnie ears because Yamamoto had bought on impulse without actually checking. It didn’t matter, because it was magic anyway, the way Yara’s fingers carded through his hair in an excuse of checking out the ears.

“Do you think we could do this every week?” he asked, with happiness and a strange wistfulness winding through his voice. All he wanted was just a bit more of the magic.

Yara paused, tilting his head in thought before smiling. “Sure, why not.”

Cookies or Cupcakes. → Yara/Yamamoto, Bakery!AU (where Yamaryo owns a bakery and Yara works at a nearby hospital.)

Yamamoto was just finished icing the last cupcake when Tsukada stopped by the counter. “Everything’s cleared, we just need to lock her up.”

“Hm,” Yamamoto hummed, in distracted acknowledgement as he carefully piped another star onto the cupcake - orange-chocolate swirl, the specialty of [MAYA]. He really had no reason to be making a batch so late, not when the bakery was already closed, but he owned the place and he did what he wanted!

Tsukada watched him for a moment, barely contained amusement in every twitch of the shoulder. “He’s late.”

Yamamoto sighed and added another star. “He usually is,” he said, and though it was an answer, he more mused it out to himself than anything else. When he glanced up, he seemed almost startled that Tsukada was still there. “It’s fine, I’ll lock up when I’m done here.”

“Alright then. Have fun~!” With a laugh and a smile, Tsukada breezed out the door, the bell tinkling merrily in his wake.

It was another thirty minutes before the bell rang out in the silence, while Yamamoto was trying to amuse himself by icing elaborate details onto the counter before wiping them away.

There were dark circles under Yara’s eyes and he was still dressed in his scrubs, but the smile on his lips and in his eyes was genuine. “Sorry I made you wait,” he said as he leaned over the counter to plant a kiss on Yamamoto’s cheek. “We had a kid come in from a car accident. It was… well, the surgery was nasty, but we got him fixed up.”

Yamamoto just smiled, knowing he could never begrudge Yara the time he spent waiting. It was time well spent, knowing Yara was doing what he needed to do. In answer, he slid over the plate of cupcakes, all the blues and purples proving the backdrop of sky to the stars Yamamoto had piped on.

They were [MAYA]’s specialty, but they were also Yara’s favorite.

Unexpected Rainshower Ryu/Yamamoto, Umbrella!AU (I miss Ryu and idk, he'll always be ship with Yamaryo :x)

“Shit,” Yamamoto cursed, dancing around in frustration. Fifteen minutes earlier he could have sworn the skies had been clear, but here the rain came, plopping down on his nose and hair in fat drops.

He hadn’t brought his umbrella or thought to wear a jacket. It’d probably be another ten minutes before Tatsumi picked him up from the park they’d agreed to. He’d be sopping by then, and most likely very cold.

He only had a few more moments to curse his fate before the rain was suddenly cut off, an umbrella being thrust over his head by a boy he’d never seen before.

“Thought you could use it,” the boy explained. He had that natural ease around him, one that spoke of underlying mischief and amusement and a sparkle in his eyes.

“Thank you,” was all Yamamoto could think to say, and he meant it sincerely. “Uhm, my ride should be here soon,” he added when the boy made no move to join him under the umbrella. “You’ll be soaked like that.”

The boy laughed, waving him off. “Nah. My place is just a few blocks from here. Besides,” he said, winking at Yamamoto. “You’ll owe it to me to give that back, won’t you?”

Without another word, the boy pivoted and strode through the pelting rain, hands in his pockets as if he was just taking a casual stroll.

Yamamto stared after him, perplexed. He wasn’t quite sure what had just happened, but it was nice to be out of the rain while he waited for Tatsumi to come, even if he didn’t have a name for the strange boy who had just offered Yamamoto his umbrella and a smile.

It wasn’t until he was in the car with Tatsumi, carefully wrapping the umbrella that he caught the little identification tag. It was an address to a nearby apartment complex, with a name scrawled beneath it.

‘Takahashi Ryu’.

A Witness → Yara/Yamamoto (+Takki), Memory!AU (Is a bit confusing, this one. Basically, a snippet from an AU I've had around for a while. But Tsubasa was a detective who was murdered and his memories were transferred to Yamaryo, a kid attending the local college. Takki is Tsubasa's partner and Yara's another detective who comes in to help figure out what happened to Tsubasa and how it ties in with the current case and there are lots of conflict and feelings.)

“He knows what happened,” Takizawa cried in agitation, trying to shake off Tatsumi’s grip. “He knows, Yara, come on-“

“Enough,” Yara snapped, curling a protective arm around Yamamoto’s shoulders, shifting so he stood between the bereft cop and Yamamoto. “Listen, I know it’s hard. You lost your partner and it was bad. But this kid just woke up with nearly thirty years of memory that aren’t his and he’s been through enough for tonight.”

Yamamoto shivered, curling into Yara’s solid body. Thirty years. Over a decade more than he’d managed to live just by himself, and yet flooding through his mind, invading all his senses…

Imai Tsubasa.

Yamamoto knew who Takizawa was and what he meant to Tsubasa, the recognition tinged with an alien sense of affection. He knew who Yara was, from the man’s own introduction, but also a sense of both fondness and exasperation, equally as alien.

Despite knowing - did he know that or did Tsubasa now that? - that he needed to calm down, because he was going into shock again, he couldn’t stop it. He couldn’t get his hands to stop shaking and his breath continued to quicken, coming in short, painful gasps.

“Someone get Fukuda over here. Now.” Yara’s arm tightened around Yamamoto’s shoulder as he barked out orders. Yamamoto shuddered, something that lasted for several long, aching moments.

“Slow down, kid, slow down.” Yara’s voice hadn’t lost the edge of authority, but it had still somehow softened into something akin to understanding and sympathy.

Yamamoto’s eyes fell closed, nodding and shuddering, trying to listen, but it was so hard. It was drowning, drowning in thoughts that weren’t his, which he didn’t understand, with memories to back them up.

And except for Yara’s arm around his shoulders, nothing seemed to quite feel real anymore.

Leopard Print → Yara/Yamamoto, Tattoo!AU (... excuse all the unreality of this, if it exists. I don't really know anything about tattoos or the process except what I read on the internet. And I was trying to surprise the one who knew. Uh. 8D/)

Yara was used to all sorts of surprises when he came home after three weeks abroad (though Spain was more Tsubasa’s thing, Yara had thoroughly enjoyed himself) but he’d thought he’d discovered all of them by the time he tumbled into bed with Yamamoto. The new lamp, a different set of throw pillows, and a parakeet should have been enough, right?

Turned out he was wrong.

“Oi!” he said, frowning in confusion when Yamamoto’s shirt came off. “What is that?”

“Do you like it?” Yamamoto fingered the soft skin of his own shoulder, glancing at Yara with uncertainty.

“No,” Yara said, almost out of reflex, but quickly backtracked. “No, I mean, yes. Yes.” He repeated it a few more times, reaching up to slip a finger over the splash of color. He did like it, feeling that small tug of pleasure underneath the tight coil that could only be irritation.

Yes, he did like it, but there was a problem with the leopard spotting that now dusted Yamamoto’s shoulders.

“You let someone else ink you.”

“Well… yes,” Yamamoto had this endearing face torn between guilt and amusement. “I wanted to surprise you. It can’t really be a surprise if I tell you what it is before it happens. That’s… okay, right?”

Something like jealousy and possessiveness tugged at Yara’s lips, making him want to say that no, it wasn’t okay, nobody else should be leaving any sort of marks on Yamamoto besides Yara himself, but he never gave voice to those feelings. Doing so, he felt, would be a degradation to their relationship. He would not be the one trying to put a cage around Yamamoto, just as he would not want Yamamoto to try with him.

And as he paused to study the newest tattoo to Yamamoto’s collection, he had to admit that it had been done wonderfully. It was a beautiful shade of grey dusting along Yamamoto’s skin (and upon further examination, Yara found they went down to the other’s shoulder blades in the back.) They were beautiful and alluring and while a part of Yara would have preferred doing them himself, he actually liked knowing he wouldn’t have done a better job. Actually, it had probably been Tatsumi’s hand, looking at the work, which made Yara feel better because Tatsumi was one of maybe two other people that Yara approved of working on Yamamoto.

As it was all done with, there was no point in doing anything but thoroughly enjoying it.

Yamamoto made a small noise in the back of his throat as Yara began tracing the new tattoo with his lips. “So…”

Yara paused, breathing in the scent of Yamamoto’s skin. “I like it,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to Yamamoto’s shoulders. “And I missed you.”

Frost → Yamamoto+Tatsumi+Yara, Guardians!AU (Basically, Yara is totes Jack Frost in here and Yamaryo and Tatsumi get to join his adventures, but I didn't get to actually write any of the cool parts. BUT IDK IT'S A GOOD IDEA.)

Ryouta loved snow days. He asked for them nearly every night, though they’d only had two so far.

The snow had begun falling the night before with such ferocity that Ryouta had smiled to himself and gone to bed without setting the alarm his father had given him at the start of the 5th grade. Sure enough, school was cancelled, leaving Ryouta with not much to do at all.

He slept in, lazying around for most of the morning in bed, watching cartoons. It was wonderful to just sink under the covers and hide in the warmth, and so he did.

It wasn’t until afternoon that Ryouta adventured outside, with snow pants and snow boots and a thick winter coat. Every kid on the block seemed to be outside, racing up and down the sidewalks with snowballs and sled. Ryouta let out a whoop and dashed into the fray.

The park was like one gigantic snow ball fight and Ryouta quickly bunkered down next to Yudai, the 7th grader who lived next door. “Those jerks totally took over the playground,” Yudai yelled indignantly. “We gotta storm them and take them out by force!”

“Wouldn’t it be more fun to sneak up from behind?” a voice asked playfully.

They both turned and found that another boy had joined them. He was older, maybe even a high school student, but his eyes shone merrily in the glaring snow-light. “Their butts are all unprotected,” the boy added, gesturing to where snowfort around the playground stood. “Why don’t we just go around and get them, huh?”

“Okay!” Ryouta and Yudai chorused together, grinning from ear to ear. The boy smiled right back at them, saying “I’m Yara, by the way. Yara Tomoyuki,” before dashing away, snowballs in hand. Ryouta and Yudai were hot on his heels.

Salt → Yamamoto+Tatsumi+Yara, Supernatural!AU (... I couldn't help it, okay. :| Also, Yara, Tatsumi, and Yamaryo are all actual brothers in here, but I'm not sure what name they share between them.)

“You’d think someone would actually notice us once in a while,” Ryouta remarked as he crawled out of the grave he and his brothers had just dug up. Yudai was already dumping salt down over the skeleton. One vengeful spirit nearly down and they could be on the road again. “I mean, it’s not just the digging up part, but we kinda set bodies on fire.”

“Nah,” Tomoyuki said with a humorless chuckle, waiting for Yudai to finish salting the body before upending the gas can and letting the diesel soak the bones. “Too late at night. Anyone who finds us would probably want to join us ‘cause they think it’s cool. Lighter, Ryouta?”

Shuddering, Ryouta pulled out the lighter their father had given him for his tenth birthday. Nobody would want to have this life they lived, not if they knew what it really meant. It was more than just the bruises and broken bones when something went wrong or all the traveling and never having a home and roots. It was the paranoia, the fear, the suspicion when something was going right and realizing that you never really had friends. Ryouta lived with it, because he had to and because he still had Tomoyuki and Yudai. But he’d never wish that on another person. So he lit the Molotov cocktail and threw it into the grave, watching as the skeleton burst into angry blue-green flames.

It wasn’t really something they needed to do, because they all carried their own lighters, but the ceremony of salting and burning the bones of a vengeful spirit was something they’d fallen into a very, very long time ago. Yudai salted, Tomoyuki soaked, and Ryouta burned. Ryouta had been doing this for a very long time.

With a brother on each side, Ryouta watched as the flames licked and ate away at the bones, knowing that the spirit was somewhere, burning in anguish before finally moving on. No more dead housewives, no more scared kids.

“We did good,” Yudai murmured, patting Ryouta on the shoulder. They stood there for a few moments longer, waiting for the flames to go out so they could finish the job and drive off, Tomoyuki driving, Yudai riding shotgun, and Ryouta asleep in the backseat.

Roommates → Ryu/Yamamoto, Random Roommate!AU (... They!Roommates)

“Sho-chan, tell your roommate to keep his dirty towels in his room and off my doorknob,” Yamamoto said, nose wrinkling with distaste as he held up one of the dirty bathroom towels in question.

“I’ve already told him and besides, he’s your roommate too.” Hayashi didn’t actually look up from his book as he said this, but as they’d already had this conversation twice in the past week and a half, it was started to feel less of a concern and more of a broken record.

“No, he’s not,” Yamamoto said, dropping the towel on the floor next to the couch. “Tsu’s my roommate, you’re stuck with him.”

“Fine,” Hayashi said, “he’s you’re housemate. Either way, you talk to him, he’s not going to bite.”

“That’s what you think,” Yamamoto muttered under his breath and it was like Hayashi could hear the blush creeping up Yamamoto’s face.

“Oh please,” Hayashi finally gave in, snapping his book shut in exasperation. “Ryouta, one drunken kiss does not mean the end of peaceful domestic life. Stop mousing around and deal with it or I’m going to move into your room and Ryu really will be your roommate.”

Broken Furniture → Tamamori/Yamamoto, AU (... yeah, idk about this one.)

Tamamori looked around the main room and was a bit at a loss. There was too much broken, far too much damage, for him to possibly fix. And he wasn’t talking about the smashed lamp or the ruined coffee table.

He didn’t know why they had gotten so angry anymore. Now that he thought about it, the matter had been small, trivial even, but Tamamori hadn’t wanted to back down and neither had Yamamoto. They’d pushed until they both seemed to break at the same time.

A shiver seemed to run through the air, and Tamamori turned to find Yamamoto standing in the doorway, a mix of emotions running across his face. There was the defiance, a dare to Tamamori to say he was wrong, and there was the regret, an apology just for Tamamori all along.

And underneath all that was the hope that Tamamori forgave him.

Tamamori smiled, tiredly, moving as Yamamoto ducked under his arm. They stood like that for a moment, not quite embracing.

“At least we didn’t break the couch,” Yamamoto said, finally, and Tamamori managed a smile.

Part 2

c: yara tomoyuki, c: tamamori yuta, #drabble, c: takahashi ryu, !fanfiction, c: yamamoto ryouta, r: pg-13, c: tatsumi yudai

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