
Apr 26, 2011 04:58

I was thinking about how a little over a year ago, I decided to compile a list of my hundred favorite comics. And then, with a "Why not?" attitude, I posted it in this LJ. Well, since then I've come across a fair number of other comics that I've fallen arse-over-teakettle for, and I've also had forehead-smacking revelations about quite a few titles that were already in my collection and should have made it to the honors platform but, for some reason, didn't.

I'm not going to pull out the whole list again. I promise! I wouldn't be able to fit all these books into the 100 without finding pretty brutal reasons to toss a lot of current members overboard. And an activity I most certainly do not enjoy is trying with all of my heart and soul to find reasons not to like something. It was hard enough to winnow and pan until I had the initial lineup.

Also, some people don't like reading looong posts. So, to give love where love is due, but in less than one-fourth the space of the original list, I'll just rattle off the new additions to my pantheon of favorite comics. They're not in order (although, if it turned out that the first title was my absolute favorite of the bunch, so damn good and strange and deep and smart and goofy and complex and literate and intoxicating that I occasionally have trouble believing it really exists... that probably wouldn't be a coincidence). On with the show!

Leviathan by Peter Blegvad
Tamara Drewe by Posy Simmonds
Maggie's Farm by Steve Bell
Berlin by Jason Lutes
Depression is Fun! by Nina Paley
Whores of Mensa by Ellen Lindner, Sacha Mardou and Jeremy Dennis
Interiorae by Gabriella Giandelli
Ethel and Ernest by Raymond Briggs
My Brain Hurts by Liz Baillie
The Cowboy Wally Show by Kyle Baker
Cathedral Child/Clockwork Angels by Lea Hernandez
The Salon by Nick Bertozzi
Eagle: The Making of an Asian-American President by Kaiji Kawaguchi
Sordid City Blues (both versions) by Charles Schneeflock Snow
Cuckoo by Madison Clell
We Are On Our Own by Miriam Katin
Derek the Sheep by Gary Northfield
Five Glasses of Absinthe by Nicholas Brienza and Egypt Urnash
Downside by Dave McNamara and Peter Ketley
Just So You Know by Joey Alison Sayers
Boris the Bear by Mike Richardson, Randy Stradley and James Dean Smith
The Modern Ladies' Compendium by Jo Nesbitt

Hmmm. I have an urge to go read some comics. And then maybe make some!
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