I guess after having nightmares through the night, I finally decided "Scerw it." and went on the computer instead. xDD -Wonders who else it up
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Well, seeing as my mom's pure evil, has nearly banned me from the computer, and is banning me from seeing my father, chances are I might not be on here alot, if at all. So if your pissed, blame my mother
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Pretty scary isn't it? xDD It's been awhile sense i've posted (I bet Lynelle's pissed. D:) and alot's happened. With Christmas, New Year, some random family stuff, and new school semester, this will be a long entry (If LJ dosen't screw up and delete all the paragraphs
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Pretty scary isn't it? xDD It's been awhile sense i've posted (I bet Lynelle's pissed. D:) and alot's happened. With Christmas, New Year, some random family stuff, and new school semester, this will be a long entry (If LJ dosen't screw up and delete all the paragraphs
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