Title: New Boss - 23/? Rating: MA 15+ Fandom: Torchwood Genre: AU/ Romance Pairings: Jack/Ianto Spoilers: None. AU but the names of the Episodes are mentioned Summary: There is a new Boss for Torchwood Cardiff.
thanks You know it has been decided at the Melbourne Museum they are going to re do Phar Lap and make him stand more like a proper horse, seems they put him in a more natural or 'better' pose
big race next Tuesday - I grew up in the melbourne area so use to having the public holiday, now in NSW so listen to it on the TV, going to be at work this year and they have 'fun' things to do, like idiots they will have a race with people on hobby horses around the centre, love seeing people being idiots
Great update, loved the 'Random Shoes' game! Ianto was bound to be good at that!
Shame Gwen still hasn't got the message, though Ianto tormenting Jack with an eclair was a delightful image, the boy has a wicked streak! No wonder Jack was distracted =)
Comments 16
You know it has been decided at the Melbourne Museum they are going to re do Phar Lap and make him stand more like a proper horse, seems they put him in a more natural or 'better' pose
Shame Gwen still hasn't got the message, though Ianto tormenting Jack with an eclair was a delightful image, the boy has a wicked streak! No wonder Jack was distracted =)
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