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Comments 166

dramacon_queen June 29 2009, 13:33:40 UTC
Christie arrived at the memorial service before most of the other people. While she wasn't a hero or a fighter like some of the other people on the ship, she wanted to be a part of this whole event anyways.

So many people died so far and the redhead knew some of them. She definitely wasn't expecting something like this to happen in her life. Standing somewhere out of the way, Christie thought of the friends she lost.


notfromajedi June 29 2009, 15:50:59 UTC
Palpatine wasn't one to mourn in public, but he did believe in memorializing the dead. His attendance was more for others' comfort... in case any of them should seek solace from a pervy old man him. Anyone needing a bony shoulder to cry on? He'd gladly be there to offer his.

He took a seat near the back and watched people arrive, an appropriately solemn expression on his wrinkled face.


ms_hellsing July 1 2009, 05:41:51 UTC
Well, there was a familiar face Integral hadn't seen in some time. She moved through the gathered people toward the back of the seating arrangements to give a nod of greeting to the man.

"Palpatine. I was concerned for your fate, you've been out of sight for sometime."


notfromajedi July 1 2009, 13:17:27 UTC
Palpatine turned and smiled at the woman who'd owned Alucard's heart. "Sir Integral, how kind of you to worry. Between the lockdown and the zombies I suppose I haven't been out and about as much, no. How are you, dear? I heard your handling of the zombie situation was exemplary." He'd also heard something about Jan... being a vampire? Probably something to do with that silly "club" of sorts that he and Alucard belonged to.


ms_hellsing July 1 2009, 20:25:53 UTC
Usually, such an endearment as 'dear' would have earned a verbal lashing from Integral. However, coming from a kindly old man like Palpatine (yes, she was so deceived by him) it was a forgivable offense. "I'm just glad to see you're well. So many seem to be vanishing or worse of late." She paused a moment, nudging her glasses up higher on her nose. "Exemplary? No, I think not. It was slow and sloppy. Lives were lost."


totally_paused June 29 2009, 16:02:54 UTC
Cher hated funerals. Or wakes, or memorials, or whatever -- death was so creepy and disgusting and... incomprehensible, really. But she had to show up and pay her respects to Sasan. Finding his body had definitely been the most gruesome thing to ever happen to her (even worse than that random barney ralphing on her new Manolos!). And it had been difficult grasping the concept that he was gone... that if they had been destined to have some steamy love affair, fate had intervened and snatched the chance away.

Dressed in a conservative black dress and sporting waterproof eyeliner and mascara, Cher sat down in the middle of the assembled seating area. She noticed a buffet table and wondered if there would be more tasty things than the usual cafeteria fare... she was hungry.

She immediately felt a sharp pang of guilt for already thinking about food instead of the dearly departed. She bowed her head and squeezed her eyes shut, determined not to put her waterproof cosmetics to the test just yet.


nagasakivampire June 29 2009, 17:11:35 UTC
It would have been for him not to show up. After all, Muraki had been relatively close to Yuuta, among others who'd died recently, and he had to act upset about their deaths even if he knew the causes behind several of them.

To further his act, he actually wore black and it only served to accent the utter whiteness of his skin and hair. Muraki stepped into the garden, picked up a couple of the flowers out, and didn't say a word as he looked for an appropriate place to set them.


plutoixcrew July 1 2009, 21:12:03 UTC
Oho. The Doctor remembered this fellow from his visit to the labs. Norman's research on him had proved to be an interesting read. He didn't say anything, nor even approach Muraki. He simply watched from his place by the refreshment table, arms crossed over his chest.


nagasakivampire July 1 2009, 21:19:15 UTC
Muraki didn't fail to see the Doctor's presence, but he saw no reason to interact with the reason he had a collar around his neck like an animal in need of monitoring. After staying near the memorial for a moment, he made his way to the refreshments and took a glass of champagne. "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" was how the saying went. For today, at least, he would keep up that mask of kind doctor and stay silent.


mynameisrock June 29 2009, 17:15:48 UTC
Rock wasn't completely sure why he'd decided to come to this. He hadn't been close to any of the dead people, but he still felt like he should show up. He'd seen plenty of death in nearly a year with Lagoon Company; those had been expected deaths, casualties of the fighting Revy so easily got herself into. But the deaths here had been insane accidents, suicides, and murders without a culprit.

If nothing else, he could decide whether to apologize or thank Deadpool for the booze he and Revy had taken shortly after the man's death was reported. Rock took a seat and sighed. Why did a normal guy like him end up in weird situations like this ever since he'd decided to stay with Lagoon Company?


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