Round 2 Sign Up Entry

Oct 26, 2008 12:24

Sign Ups for Round 2 are Closed!

Welcome to the second round of plusone_rumble.

Sign Ups for Round 2 will close when challenge 1 closes at Sunday, November 23rd. Challenge 1 will run two weeks so it will be posted on Sunday, November 9th. That's just a provisional schedule, it might be changed if necessary.

You must be a member of the community to sign up!
You must be signed up to participate in the challenges

You must have read the rules in the User Info before signing up.

Signing up:
&hearts Read the Rules
&hearts Join the community.
&hearts Add the community to your friends list so that you can follow the updates (that's really important!)
&hearts Leave a comment here with the secret quote (not as a title!).
&hearts If you've done everything correctly I'll sign you up for Round 2

The Point System

Bonus Points: (You can earn up to 3 bonus points for promoting the community)
Participation Points: (These are earned by entering the challenges. You can earn a maximum of 10 participation points per Round, one for each challenge)
Game Points: (These are earned by PLACING in the challenges. First place = 3, Second place = 2, Third place = 1, Special Category = 1)

Bonus Points:
&hearts During the Sign Ups you can receive up to 3 bonus points by promoting the community (you can copy the following code to promote)">">
&hearts Leave me the links to your promotions here in a comment.
&hearts Read the User Info for more information (although you already should've done that^^)

Bonus Points: 3
Participation Points: 1
Game Points:
Total Points: 4

Bonus Points: 2
Participation Points: 1
Game Points:
Total Points: 3

Bonus Points: 3
Participation Points: 1
Game Points:
Total Points: 4

Bonus Points: 1
Participation Points: 1
Game Points:
Total Points: 2

Bonus Points:
Participation Points: 1
Game Points:
Total Points: 1

Bonus Points: 2
Participation Points: 1
Game Points:
Total Points: 3

Bonus Points: 1
Participation Points: 1
Game Points:
Total Points: 2

Bonus Points: 2
Participation Points: 1
Game Points:
Total Points: 3

Bonus Points: 3
Participation Points: 1
Game Points:
Total Points: 4

Bonus Points: 2
Participation Points: 1
Game Points:
Total Points: 3

Bonus Points: 1
Participation Points: 1
Game Points:
Total Points: 2

Bonus Points: 2
Participation Points: 1
Game Points:
Total Points: 3

Bonus Points:
Participation Points: 1
Game Points:
Total Points: 1

Bonus Points: 1
Participation Points: 1
Game Points: 3
Total Points: 5

Bonus Points: 2
Participation Points: 1
Game Points: 3
Total Points: 6

Bonus Points: 1
Participation Points: 1
Game Points:
Total Points: 2

Bonus Points: 2
Participation Points: 1
Game Points: 1
Total Points: 4

Bonus Points:
Participation Points: 1
Game Points:
Total Points: 1

Bonus Points: 1
Participation Points: 1
Game Points:
Total Points: 2

+ The * sign next to your name means you've skipped a challenge. If you have four skips in a row you'll have to be disqualified.
+ The # sign next to your name is just a note for me, so that I can keep track of "participation points". It lets me know that you skipped a challenge, but then entered the next challenge. There are 10 bonus points in all as you know, 1 for each challenge you enter. A # sign is -1 point and so is an *

sign up entry, round 2

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