Kame & Yucchi's cross talk on April's Potato [Translated]

Mar 08, 2011 00:06

Kame & Yucchi's talk on April's Potato.

I was just reading this talk earlier and decided to share it with everyone ^_^ I'm really not into pairing but those two are just too cute together XD~  ”まじめコンビ”って感じ (笑)

Please forgive any grammar mistakes or bad translation *_* BOWS to my sweet friends at Babel who're always checking my video and magazine translations XD~ This one wasn't checked by anyone so I'm kinda worried still ^_^ Hope you'll like it.

Scan credit : koichitanjyobi

KAT-TUN’s wheel

Theme: Relaxing talk

Kamenashi Kazuya       The other day, I saw Nakamaru on TV, and I thought “This person is such a hard worker” (Laugh). I felt proud watching him doing his best away from us members, and he had a nice and sincere impression (Laugh).

Nakamaru Yuichi          Ahh~ but I also had a strange feeling watching Kame. Especially on [Going!] as it’s a live show, I go “Ah, he’s doing this now!? Do your best”.

Kamenashi Kazuya       We haven’t been meeting lately, but around new year’s we did go out together a lot. After we finish KAT-TUN’s work. We both don’t have many friends (Laugh).

Nakamaru Yuichi          I can’t deny that (Laugh).

Kamenashi Kazuya       When we’re all together, we play and mess around but, when it becomes only the two of us, we did some serious talk.

Nakamaru Yuichi          Yes. Some productive talk, like KAT-TUN’s future activities.

Kamenashi Kazuya       The group’s situation from the point of view of each one of us, and we also went eating and shopping together. But we usually go to places where Nakamaru wants to go. I adjust because I don’t have any hang-ups, but maybe it’s different if Nakamaru tried to adjust with me (Laugh).

Nakamaru Yuichi          You’re right (Laugh). That’s why I showed Kame around some shops I usually go to.

Kamenashi Kazuya       Even when we go into some shops, and I’m waiting for Nakamaru to try some cloths on, I say “Ah, looks nice”.

Nakamaru Yuichi          Like “Are you the girl friend!” (Laugh).

Kamenashi Kazuya       The salesman also was smirking watching this scene.

Nakamaru Yuichi          Thinking, “These guys usually do that then”.

Kamenashi Kazuya       I’d definitely not want to see Koki’s or Ueda’s private life. They both have their own hang-ups, which is definitely not normal (Laugh). I’d be prepared to give it my all to be able to hang out with them, but with Nakamaru I can hang out with him by keeping a suitable distance. But on the contrary with Taguchi it’d be shallow (Laugh).

We two might be the most normal people in KAT-TUN. Intuitively. Nakamaru, you also came to my house right? He was so mature and was sitting properly (Laugh).

Nakamaru Yuichi          That’s because your mother was there then.

Kamenashi Kazuya       By accident (Laugh). And also, I wouldn’t wanna see Koki or Ueda’s home. Their image might get ruined. I wouldn’t like it if I saw a super market’s bag or something in Ueda’s house. I had an image that’s close to the image that fans have. Taguchi, doesn’t matter anyway (Laugh). And just because we’re partners as KAT-TUN, I want to value this image.

Nakamaru Yuichi          I understand what you’re trying to say. But I already know about Ueda and Koki’s private life. And the impression and image that fans are pursuing isn’t there already.

Kamenashi Kazuya       Because you Nakamaru has a good relationship with everyone of us.

Nakamaru Yuichi          Yes. I think it’s true if you say that I’m KAT-TUN’s center.

Kamenashi Kazuya       That’s right. That’s why we’ll break up if you say you’ll quit.

Nakamaru Yuichi          Ahahaha! It’s ok, I won’t quit (Laugh).

translation; magazine

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