Who: Dean Winchester and Bobby Singer
Where: The Garage
When: Late Evening
What: Following the arrival of Alice, Dean loses his cool and takes it out on the wrecks in the garage. Bobby goes in search for his missing truck.
The jarring sensation of striking the crowbar against the back of the ruined Pontiac didn't phase Dean in the slightest. )
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The sound of repeated banging found his ears long before he saw anything. That wasn't a good sign. It was even less promising when the sounds suddenly stopped. As a precaution, he drew his gun from his duffel and held it down by his leg as he entered the garage.
"I don't want any trouble."He called out. "Just looking for my truck." If that had been his vehicle being demolished, though, there would be trouble. Big trouble.
Dean's eyes snapped open and his breath caught in his chest.
There is no fucking way... His mind suddenly lurched back into motion. Was he having a hallucination? He had to be. There was no god damn way on earth this could be happening.
Dean reached out and picked up the crowbar, climbing to his feet and turning in the direction of the stairs. He had had enough surprises tonight. He did not need this. He did not need...
Dean stood like a deer caught in the headlights at the familiar face. The bottom dropped out of the hunter's stomach for the second time that night and he honestly felt like he might be sick.
It couldn't be Dean. When Elphaba said the name before, he'd let it roll on by. He was convinced that she couldn't possibly have been talking about Dean Winchester. Not one of his boys.
He stepped forward warily, picking hsi path through the scattered bits of destroyed cars. "The hell are you doing in my shiny new hallucination, boy?"
No. Bobby didn't walk. Bobby couldn't walk. He was in a wheelchair. Stabbed himself to save Dean's life when he was possessed by a demon.
He was hallucinating again. Of all the times he had to slip into another one of those...
Dean brought the end of the crowbar up, pointing it at the man walking towards him. "Stay back!" He barked. "I don't know what the hell kind of games these assholes are into tonight, but I am not falling for this one! You are not Bobby!"
"Maybe a fresh pair of eyes will help find something. All we can do is keep going. We aren't made for giving up."
He glanced over to Bobby. "You know, I walked in here looking for directions back to the interstate. And I thought for sure Zach and his goons had caught up with me again." He sighed and shook his head. "The manager at the desk gave me a double room without even asking me. It's like they knew I would and as if they were expecting Sam to show up at some point."
"Or a pet bed."
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