Who: Dean Winchester and Bobby Singer
Where: The Garage
When: Late Evening
What: Following the arrival of Alice, Dean loses his cool and takes it out on the wrecks in the garage. Bobby goes in search for his missing truck.
The jarring sensation of striking the crowbar against the back of the ruined Pontiac didn't phase Dean in the slightest. )
"Maybe a fresh pair of eyes will help find something. All we can do is keep going. We aren't made for giving up."
He glanced over to Bobby. "You know, I walked in here looking for directions back to the interstate. And I thought for sure Zach and his goons had caught up with me again." He sighed and shook his head. "The manager at the desk gave me a double room without even asking me. It's like they knew I would and as if they were expecting Sam to show up at some point."
"Or a pet bed."
Finished, he turned back to Dean and nodded. "Let's roll."
And occasionally exasperated, but mostly proud.
"By the way," Dean said, sobering. "When we get to your room...don't be surprised if some stuff turns up that's really weird. Like things you lost, destroyed...stuff like that." He explained, the tone of his voice speaking from experience. "This place likes to mind fuck you at just about every turn, starting with the crap in your room."
"Oh goody. I can't wait to have my head screwed with some more." He shook the head in question and sighed. "Maybe I'll get lucky and find Rumsfeld up there?"
He sighed, too. "Sure do miss that ornery woman's voice."
He cleared his throat as they passed the landing for the main floor and kept going up. "There is some woman Jude's friend's with. She's his superior officer...Admiral I think. I was too drunk when I met her to recall all the details but she got all...master and commander on my ass and sounded a lot like Ellen."
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