WHO: Garak and whoever shows up (Feel free to threadjack and ignore posting order, ya drunks.)
WHAT: Getting drunk, self medication, and a stunning display of healthy coping mechanisms.
WHERE: The bar.
WHEN: Early evening until.
Let's get tore up from the floor up and come back for more. )
He frowned at Jack's scolding of the Starfleet doctor and waited until the man had carried out his own drunk medic before clapping a hand on Julian's shoulder, a comforting gesture and to also keep the other man from rushing off after the two of them.
"Subtly." Dean said. "They don't teach that at the fancy space military school you went to?" He reached around and motioned to the bartender. "Scotch for the Doc."
He picked up his drink while he waited for Julian's to come and grimaced as he took a sip. "Alright," The hunter raised his voice so he could be heard over the music and across the bar when Ford and Garak had taken refuge from the humans. "When I said put on some rock, I meant rock and roll. From Earth. Or something as close to what you aliens will find acceptable." ( ... )
"Actually, I was going to toast to Owen next! So ... to Owen! May he survive Jack's attempt at keeping him alive! Cheers!"
He downed the rest of his glass, grabbed another, and propped his head on his hand, pouting. "Honestly, though. It's nothing to make light of. I wish Owen all the best in getting these memories back with the least amount of suffering. He's really having a rough go."
"Experiment? Salt?"
He popped a few pretzels into his mouth and chewed on them for a moment before answering the other question. "Best way to stop a spirit from coming back and kicking your ass is to salt and burn the body. Any trace of DNA left is enough to keep the soul tied to this plain. Salt purifies the body and fire turns it to ashes."
The rest of the information had him leaning more toward holographic projections or possibly even some sort of mental link like the Dominion used when researching enemy targets. "We don't have ghosts or supernatural entities in our world," Garak said. "I haven't seen any indications that there are such things here, either." He continued to mull over the rest of the information, chewing thoughtfully on a pretzel.
That memory disturbed Julian. He took a large gulp of his drink recalling what it was like to run into Garak's mirror counterpart. Gul Garak had been a vile and ruthless man that Julian would like to forget.
"According to Dean and Jack, the aliens and supernatural beings that exist in their world are very real."
He crunched loudly on a pretzel. "What's a mirror universe?" He asked.
He then looked past the doctor at Dean. "High pulses of electromagnetic energy could easily blow out a detector. There are machines and technologies capable of producing every effect we've observed in this hotel to date. I wouldn't be quick to latch onto any one explanation too soon. We don't have nearly enough information."
"We shouldn't have lights or running water right now." The hunter pointed out.
"The readings I took with my tricorder when I first arrived are suspect in that the hotel does not seem to obey the laws of physics. The hotel registers as a spatial anomaly or a kind of disruption in the space-time continuum. Maybe the hotel is in a graviton ellipse that travels through subspace, emerging into normal space and extra-dimensional realms only when it is in proximity of objects that emit electromagnetic energy. Taking some readings with my tricorder outside the hotel might help shed some light on the theory."
He drained the glass and cleared his throat as the drink burned on the way down. "I think I'm going to need more of these before anything you said make sense." The hunter said.
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